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Old 10-19-2010, 12:09 AM
Zymergist Zymergist is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by jss View Post
Well Jason, ... it's time to use the f-word.


You've mentioned your age but have not disclosed it. If you don't mind sharing, how old are you? I was 39 and 40 at my fusions and 47 at my double ADR.

Please keep us updated, and let us know the date when you get your surgery scheduled.

Good luck!

Thanks Jeff!

F-word indeed.... I have definately used some language in the past few months! I am 39 and the sole support for my wife and 21mo old.

I still dont like the idea of fusion, but the lack of ability to see on x-ray for placment kind of kills the idea. I have no desire to have a surgeon work blind on something that requires that kind of precision, nore a willingness to get cut on by a surgeon who would choose to!

I am also not a fan of the second level (for a total of 3 in a row...), but it shows definate degredation and is indenting the spine already. It makes sense to me that getting gut on once rather than twice will reduce my overall downtime, total risk of infections, pain, and cost.

The arguments have come up as well that for the lower part of ther neck stability is slightly more important than mobility, and that C7-T1 would be under far more stress with 2 fused above, while T1-2 barely moves and is stabalized by ribs so is a far lower risk with 3 fused above. There have also been thoughts presented that the hypermobility that an ADR can create could be a problem lower down, Do you have any thoughts on this one Jeff? I am fully expecting to have C3-4 need work in the next 10-15 years, and I hope things will keep getting better and better tech wise

(yes I am still trying to get comfortable with the idea of all this)

One of the hardes things through all of this, aside from the pain, lack of sleep, drugs, and stress has been not being able to drink beer! (due to the drugs) I have a few good bottles waiting for when this is all over

Well just opened the mail and found my aproval letter from the insurance for a 1 day hospital stay. Being in network I dont expect there to be any billing issues. Tik-tok, here we go......
Congenital fusion C5-6
"Notable" herniation C6-7 with bone spurs - Fused 3/3/2011
Degeneration at C7-T1, non symptomatic yet...
Mild herniations C3-4 and C4-5

Numbness R-Hand - Gone withing 48 hrs of surgury
"Hot-Wire" pain R-Shoulder through elbow and hand - still controlled with Nurontin, expected gone in a few weeks.
intermittent tingling and electrical jolts R-Arm - Gone after surgery
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