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Old 10-30-2010, 07:48 PM
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nornie73 nornie73 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 22


I am a HUGE fan of Dr. Lauryssen ( So are Paula Abdul and many others). Please read my post here: . Just had a Prodisc C at C 5-6 and a fusion at C 6-7 (I am positive I could have found someone to put in an ADR at C6-7, but it would the wrong move). I am also a RN and have spent 28 years of my life working with physicians and around hospitals the world over. I can tell you categorically Dr. Lauryssen is a class act with rare knowledge and judgment. I trust him implicitly and he has my utmost respect and admiration. Bob
Husband Bob's injuries:
'95 L5-S1 Micdrodiskectomy: successful
2010 Lumbar pain returning, then rear-ended
on freeway in Sept '10 resulting in herniated C5-6 and C6-7.
9/23/10 Prodisc C5-6, Fusion C6-7 (already autofusing + osteopenic) Thanks to a brilliant, seasoned surgeon who always puts outcomes ahead of fantasy! God Bless you Dr.Lauryssen!
6/25/11: still suffering with debilitating pain in between shoulder blades..will this ever go away?
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