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Old 05-31-2016, 07:29 PM
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Ozphysician Ozphysician is offline
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Default Wow - that was fun

Fasting is all but over [Day 6]. I adjusted the programme on the run but my blood draw numbers were very interesting. Still waiting for the labs to come back on growth factors [CD34+] which is my key marker but my haematology data was outstanding - platelet numbers were double my last test [this is a good thing - it can be a sign of a variety of aplastic blood diseases but I don't have any of those so for me it's a good thing]. The number was 460 x 10*9/L which is not a toxic range but twice what it was a month ago. Its like having a shot of platelet rich plasma running through your system and is a great hosting environment for nerve or joint repair.

First three days were super tough but after that I felt great. I did lose 9 pounds though and need to put that back on
Lumbar DDD progressing for the last 15 years
Facet joints with mild arthrosis at L4/L5 and L5/S1
Two ESI's only too afraid to have more [causal link to arachnoiditis]
Otherwise suffered in pain on and off
Recently had stem cell treatment for facets which have improved markedly
Looking at hybrid solution in the coming months
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Old 06-01-2016, 02:54 AM
Cynlite's Avatar
Cynlite Cynlite is offline
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Default Congratulations!

WOW!!!!!! Congratulations on your fasting results. You are one tough dude! hahahahaha What you accomplished takes intense mind over body power. I sure don't think I want to do that unless absolutely necessary!

Before I left the states, for about a month I gave myself about a six hour window everyday to eat food. So, 18 hours off and six hours on was the type of fast I was trying out. It gives some of the organs a chance to rest and detox. I still consumed pretty much the same amount of calories so, didn't lose much weight on it but, I felt really good doing it. I would have my first meal around 1 p.m. and stop eating at 7 p.m. I measured my alkaline water (with mineral rocks to infuse minerals into the water) consumption during the day and tried to drink 90 ounces or more.

I think when I get home, I'll juice throughout the day and then eat a light meal at night. I have done this before with both my juicer and also using my Vitamix to make mostly veggie shakes with some protein powder added. I need to lose weight and this is the easiest way for me to do it. Now, I can exercise again too and I'm just over the moon about that! A body in movement is a happy body.

I wonder if a less extreme fast would result in similar plasma benefits that you mentioned? I think you are trying this out in preparation for your next stem cell treatment right? If you provided the details and I missed it, just send me the post number and I'll go back and read it.

Thanks for the update. Your posts are so interesting to me!
2006: epidural shots did nothing; 2 surgeons recommended 2 level fusion, I declined.
2007 - 2010 4 foraminotomy and cord decompression cervical surgeries and 2 endoscopic discectomy T7-T8 surgeries; total 6 with Dr. Jho (Pittsburgh,PA) My C6/C7 autofused around 2009.
2013 - 2015: epidurals 3 times (again did nothing) and 4 Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) procedures.
2016 more RFAs, hit the 10 year mark of this insanity and pain, 3 level M6-C ADR with Dr. Clavel May 19, 2016
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Old 06-01-2016, 03:40 AM
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Ozphysician Ozphysician is offline
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Hey Cynlite,


Yep stem cells on or about 26 June now for L3/L4 left facet and left SIJ but more to try and keep boosting / supporting my regenerative outcomes at L4/5/S1 and maybe without intervention the IVD at L4/5.

its 5:30 pm on Wednesday here in Sydney and I'm chewing my way though a nutri-bullet of raw fruit and vegetables - its hardly a gourmet meal !

your approach sounds interesting. Really glad to hear you are doing so well by the way. Read your posts routinely - well done
Lumbar DDD progressing for the last 15 years
Facet joints with mild arthrosis at L4/L5 and L5/S1
Two ESI's only too afraid to have more [causal link to arachnoiditis]
Otherwise suffered in pain on and off
Recently had stem cell treatment for facets which have improved markedly
Looking at hybrid solution in the coming months
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Old 06-01-2016, 04:22 AM
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I'll try to find the information on the daily fast I was doing and post a link. Not sure if I have any links on my little laptop that is with me but, I'll be home soon.

I'm getting showered and ready to go to this amazing museum up on a hill that overlooks Barcelona. I saw it for about half a second when I did the bus tour and knew I wanted to go back and walk around the area. It's 10:20 a.m. here so I had better get moving.

Quick question you may know the answer to ... I have noticed a bunch of small bruises on my body the last few days and I don't recall running into anything. The ones on my arms may be from the physical therapist's work. I'm just wondering if the anesthesia has anything to do with it. As I write this I'm thinking it's the NSAIDS because they are thinning out my blood. Have any thoughts on this?

Bon Appetite LOL!
2006: epidural shots did nothing; 2 surgeons recommended 2 level fusion, I declined.
2007 - 2010 4 foraminotomy and cord decompression cervical surgeries and 2 endoscopic discectomy T7-T8 surgeries; total 6 with Dr. Jho (Pittsburgh,PA) My C6/C7 autofused around 2009.
2013 - 2015: epidurals 3 times (again did nothing) and 4 Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) procedures.
2016 more RFAs, hit the 10 year mark of this insanity and pain, 3 level M6-C ADR with Dr. Clavel May 19, 2016
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Old 06-01-2016, 06:03 AM
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Ozphysician Ozphysician is offline
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Hey Cynlite

What NSAID are you on? Or more specifically what is the active ingredient and what dose? Are you taking anything else with them like a paracetamol or aspirin product?

Have you had a liver function test in the last 6 months? If so was there any elevated enzyme levels? It's nothing to be alarmed about at this stage but maybe ask Clavel about it and show him the contusions if you are seeing him.
Lumbar DDD progressing for the last 15 years
Facet joints with mild arthrosis at L4/L5 and L5/S1
Two ESI's only too afraid to have more [causal link to arachnoiditis]
Otherwise suffered in pain on and off
Recently had stem cell treatment for facets which have improved markedly
Looking at hybrid solution in the coming months
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Old 07-05-2016, 05:09 PM
JKDE302's Avatar
JKDE302 JKDE302 is offline
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This is a great thread, thanks for the input everyone.

Here are some links about stem cells and fasting.

Here are a few links about stem cells and MS.
C4-5: Mild disc height loss with central annular fissure. Small broad-based left paracentral disc protrusion. Moderate central canal stenosis-the disc protrusion abuts and mildly flattens the left ventral surface of the spinal canal.

C5-6: Disc desiccation with mild height loss.Diffuse discosteophyte bulge and uncovertebral joint hypertrophy, moderate central canal stenosis- Severe neuroforaminal stenosis bilaterally, right greater than left.
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Old 07-05-2016, 05:12 PM
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JKDE302 JKDE302 is offline
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Originally Posted by Ozphysician View Post
Fasting is all but over [Day 6]. I adjusted the programme on the run but my blood draw numbers were very interesting. Still waiting for the labs to come back on growth factors [CD34+] which is my key marker but my haematology data was outstanding - platelet numbers were double my last test [this is a good thing - it can be a sign of a variety of aplastic blood diseases but I don't have any of those so for me it's a good thing]. The number was 460 x 10*9/L which is not a toxic range but twice what it was a month ago. Its like having a shot of platelet rich plasma running through your system and is a great hosting environment for nerve or joint repair.

First three days were super tough but after that I felt great. I did lose 9 pounds though and need to put that back on
Any updates on how your doing it's been a month.
C4-5: Mild disc height loss with central annular fissure. Small broad-based left paracentral disc protrusion. Moderate central canal stenosis-the disc protrusion abuts and mildly flattens the left ventral surface of the spinal canal.

C5-6: Disc desiccation with mild height loss.Diffuse discosteophyte bulge and uncovertebral joint hypertrophy, moderate central canal stenosis- Severe neuroforaminal stenosis bilaterally, right greater than left.
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Old 07-06-2016, 12:56 AM
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Ozphysician Ozphysician is offline
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Posts: 63

Hey JK,

Nothing on the growth factors and I have stayed away from fasting until I get two weeks the other side of my recent treatments. Im planning to do it all over again [modified] and I will be looking at maybe cycling though 2-3 fasts together with my new diet and then get a stem measure [adipose or BMAC]. This will be more definitive. The rationale is I know my recent stem number out of the BMAC draw. Will this go up or down [should go up ]if I keep a strict regimen going diet wise ? A higher number will mean a higher level of healthy stems in the blood stream naturally. I might incorporate it later in the year with another round of BMAC stem injections which I wont get a read on for awhile

Im also challenging my thinking on supplements. I reckon we can get enough regenerative nutrients into the system without too many pills. I also think there are some boosts that can be done intravenously like B12. What I want to do some work on what other ways can I get my own endocrinology switched on to release more healthy stems into my system to aid regeneration
Lumbar DDD progressing for the last 15 years
Facet joints with mild arthrosis at L4/L5 and L5/S1
Two ESI's only too afraid to have more [causal link to arachnoiditis]
Otherwise suffered in pain on and off
Recently had stem cell treatment for facets which have improved markedly
Looking at hybrid solution in the coming months
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Old 08-08-2017, 08:03 AM
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JKDE302 JKDE302 is offline
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It's been over a year, how are you?
C4-5: Mild disc height loss with central annular fissure. Small broad-based left paracentral disc protrusion. Moderate central canal stenosis-the disc protrusion abuts and mildly flattens the left ventral surface of the spinal canal.

C5-6: Disc desiccation with mild height loss.Diffuse discosteophyte bulge and uncovertebral joint hypertrophy, moderate central canal stenosis- Severe neuroforaminal stenosis bilaterally, right greater than left.
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