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Old 09-13-2015, 10:55 PM
ccny ccny is offline
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Default Dr. Bierstedt, Any Post Surgical Comments?

Hello Everyone,

This is my first official post. I'm wondering if anyone has specifically had cervical ADR with Dr. Bierstedt. If so,
At what age did you have your surgery?
On what date [including month and year]?
Which levels were done?
Did Dr. Bierstedt use a horizontal or vertical incision?
Did you have any complications during surgery?
How are you feeling now [September 2015] as compared with how you felt pre-surgically? Are you having any complications or unpleasant symptoms of any kind that are related to the surgery? If so, what are the symptoms and when did they start [including month and year]?
Did you have to get subsequent surgery[ies] revision? If so, what kind and where?
I'd also like to hear about your experience while in Germany: including

Cervical MRI: Herniation C5-C6 and C6-C7, Broad-based disc/osteophyte complex at C5-C6 extending to ventral aspect of cervical cord, disc/osteophyte complex mildly indents canal at C6-C7, severe right C3-C4 degenerative facet arthropathy, small right central disc protrusion T1 to disc.
Dr. Bierstedt's bedside manner
Your hospital stay: name of hospital, nursing care, medication administration, hospital meals.

Looking forward to hearing your response.
Cervical MRI: Herniation C5-C6 and C6-C7, Broad-based disc/osteophyte complex at C5-C6 extending to ventral aspect of cervical cord, disc/osteophyte complex mildly indents canal at C6-C7, severe right C3-C4 degenerative facet arthropathy, facet hypertrophy of upper cervical spine notably at C2-C3 and C3-C4, small right central disc protrusion T1 to disc.

Last edited by ccny; 09-13-2015 at 11:00 PM. Reason: Had to include additional information from cervical MRI I did not include originally.
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Old 09-13-2015, 11:11 PM
ccny ccny is offline
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Default GERD and Nasopharyngeal Anesthesia with Cervical ADR


Is there anyone out there with GERD [gastro esophageal reflux disease]
who has already had Cervical ADR?

I'm aware that nasopharyngeal anesthesia is required for cervical ADR surgery
due to the proximity of the esophagus and trachea which need to be gently moved out of the way during the procedure.

My concern is the danger of asphyxiation if stomach acid comes up while I'm under anesthesia. I know that endotracheal intubation can prevent that, but I'm not so sure that nasopharyngeal intubation can.

I've been approved for cervical ADR in Germany and plan to discuss this with the surgeon before agreeing to go. However, I'd like very much to hear from anyone who has GERD and who has already been through the Cervical ADR experience.

Thank you.
Cervical MRI: Herniation C5-C6 and C6-C7, Broad-based disc/osteophyte complex at C5-C6 extending to ventral aspect of cervical cord, disc/osteophyte complex mildly indents canal at C6-C7, severe right C3-C4 degenerative facet arthropathy, facet hypertrophy of upper cervical spine notably at C2-C3 and C3-C4, small right central disc protrusion T1 to disc.
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Old 11-25-2015, 11:23 PM
DanielB DanielB is offline
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Default Bierstedt review


If you do a search under DanielB or Bierstedt review, you will find a fairly complete description of my recent experience with Dr. Bierstedt and the associated hospital, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hattingen. I had lumbar surgery instead of cervical surgery, but I believe you will find the information useful. It addresses many of the questions you posed.

Best wishes,

Spring 2009: Cervical DDD and bike accident
July 2009: C 5/6 & C 6/7 ADR surgery at Stenum. Spinal Kinetics M-6. Great success.
Spring 2014: Lumbar DDD and collapsing vertebrae with minor scoliosis.
August 2014: L 2/3, L3/4, & L 4/5 fusion and ADR surgery at ONZ, Non-mobile disc & Spinal Kinetics M-6. Moderate success, numerous complications.
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Old 11-29-2015, 12:23 PM
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May move this post to the international forum soon...
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 12-16-2015, 07:05 PM
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10 months post surgery fro Bierstedt, l5S1 M6, C45 and C67 M6 with prior fusion at C56.
C45 was placed way to far posterior and is now at the edge of spinal cord and all he kept saying was it is in optimal position. At that time I lost use of my right shoulder and arm from what doctors here in US say is Nueropraxia from malpractice on his part and to which to this day have very little progress with shoulder and arm even with 5 months of physical therapy.. Sent him over the MRI from my spine doctor here in US and havnt heard from him since. My spine doctor here says to wait and see as it hasn,t moved any more posteriorly and it might do more harm than good to remove at this point but he is appauled at him for sending me home like this. This is the first I have spoke about this since my surgery in febuary 2015. If you would like to see the exrays or MRI image PM me with your address as I cant seem to figure out how to get them on this site.
Not a big Fan of Bierstedt.
12 years lumbar / 20 years cervical problems
diagnosed 2010 chronic Lyme disease - 9 months on daily I.V. ceftriaxone - after oral coarses failed.
herniated/bulging cervical discs /3 levels
herniated/bulging/autofusion lumbar discs/ 4 levels
2013- L5-S1 discectomy in Florida / RFD lumbar
2014- C5-6 cervical fusion in NH. PEEK prostetic w/plate
Spinal decompression machine/5 days x 5 months.
Injections/RFD,s/Chiro/acupuncture/Meds/Phys Thrpy/ etc etc etc. To much to list.
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Old 12-21-2015, 04:00 PM
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Default to marzman54

Hi Marzman54,

Sorry to hear these awful news, I was under impression all was fine at the end for you.. I was very close making a choice between B and C, and I chose Clavel at the last moment, God knows why. I am very sorry you have these complications. Is there any chance for a revision? I know they all provide "insurance", where they say that if something was done wrong, they will provide a free revision?
46yo, DDD of L4-S1. Microdiscectomy L5-L4 in 2014. L4-L5-S1 M6 ADR with Dr. Clavel - June 2015.
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Old 12-21-2015, 04:47 PM
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marzman54 marzman54 is offline
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Originally Posted by Romakis View Post
Hi Marzman54,

Sorry to hear these awful news, I was under impression all was fine at the end for you.. I was very close making a choice between B and C, and I chose Clavel at the last moment, God knows why. I am very sorry you have these complications. Is there any chance for a revision? I know they all provide "insurance", where they say that if something was done wrong, they will provide a free revision?
There was no insurance but they did say while at the hospital, if it was medically necessary that they would do a revision but Bierstedt was adamant that it was placed in the best possible location, up until my surgeon here ordered an emergency MRI after taking new exrays ,and at that he would only do a fusion to replace adr at C 4/5. I have sent them all my surgeons emails as to his feelings in this matter and have not had a response or even a message from them about it, not even a how are you doing. Knowing that he did the CT scan the day after surgery ( taking me to another hospital ) when I complained about loss of function in my shoulder and arm and excruciating pain and then proceeded to send me to phy thrpy for a rotator cup injury protocol and then home with the implant in this position, I don't think I want him to work on me again. Maybe Dr. Illerhaus but not him. I have another follow up with my surgeon here on the 7th and we will discuss what he thinks I should do. He said he would gladly talk to him on my behalf if we could get him to call. It is not an easy decision to make whether to risk a 3rd cervical surgery with an implant placed like this.
I have not been able to post the CT of the post op positioning but will try and put it up so you can see the position it is in.
12 years lumbar / 20 years cervical problems
diagnosed 2010 chronic Lyme disease - 9 months on daily I.V. ceftriaxone - after oral coarses failed.
herniated/bulging cervical discs /3 levels
herniated/bulging/autofusion lumbar discs/ 4 levels
2013- L5-S1 discectomy in Florida / RFD lumbar
2014- C5-6 cervical fusion in NH. PEEK prostetic w/plate
Spinal decompression machine/5 days x 5 months.
Injections/RFD,s/Chiro/acupuncture/Meds/Phys Thrpy/ etc etc etc. To much to list.
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Old 12-21-2015, 05:02 PM
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marzman54 marzman54 is offline
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Attached Files
File Type: pdf ONZ post -op ct scan after complications - Copy.pdf (745.1 KB, 121 views)
12 years lumbar / 20 years cervical problems
diagnosed 2010 chronic Lyme disease - 9 months on daily I.V. ceftriaxone - after oral coarses failed.
herniated/bulging cervical discs /3 levels
herniated/bulging/autofusion lumbar discs/ 4 levels
2013- L5-S1 discectomy in Florida / RFD lumbar
2014- C5-6 cervical fusion in NH. PEEK prostetic w/plate
Spinal decompression machine/5 days x 5 months.
Injections/RFD,s/Chiro/acupuncture/Meds/Phys Thrpy/ etc etc etc. To much to list.
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Old 12-27-2015, 04:02 AM
Dema Dema is offline
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Dear Marzman54, I am sorry about your continued suffering and hope you will find a good surgeon to fix the ADR at C4/C5 and experience relief from the pain you have endured.
7/2007 Whiplash injury
11/2009 Cervical disc herniation C3-C6 (C5-C6 worse)
2010-2013 Conservative treatments (drugs, PT, epidurals, prolotherapy, acupuncture...etc)
, little effect on pain
Considering surgery (typical questions, which type & which surgeon!)
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Old 01-11-2016, 01:22 PM
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randolf randolf is offline
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thanks Marzman for posting your x-ray of the badly placed M-6. i sent Dr. Bierstedt all of my MRIs and haven't heard back. that was months ago. that's a good thing after seeing your pic. it's bad enough the disc is plowing into your chord, it's even worse that Beirstedt doesn't respond to all of your inquiries. good luck, i hope you had Medical tourism ins.
2007 mri revealed all but 2 discs of entire spine are either bulged, some torn, a few herniated and compressing foramenal nerves or chord c3-4 fusion. myelomalacia at 2 levels, facet arthropathy, spinal and foramenal stenosis, yadda, yadda...
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cervical adr experience

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