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Old 08-17-2014, 05:00 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Default Dogpilot

Hello, and am sorry to hear of your struggles.

My questions are for you, but also for the board to help provide clarity from the missing details of your last few posts.


Who did your procedure?

How long ago was it performed?

How many levels was your procedure?

Which level?

How tall are you and your weight as well?

Did you have a DEXA bone density performed?

How old are you?

Answers to these will help clarify much.

Bone modding via a ProDisc is even more potentially destructive than an M6 which has mild keels/fins that don't even scratch the surface of the corticallis, so to focus on the M6 in regards to vertebrae compromise is not fair. I do however agree that there are not enough customization of sizes available which can make for poor spanning on extra large individuals. I, for instance, am a short man, and my M6's span across the vertebrae great according to the images laying atop corticoid bone, which is very much desirable.

So, please, help us by understanding your unique situation by answering the questions. Perhaps we can even be of help. At least I hope so. Be well.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 08-17-2014, 05:17 PM
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TPatti TPatti is offline
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Dreward, thanks for taking the time to spell out thge questions that many of us have.
Dogpilot, again, I am so sorry to hear of your issues. Hopefully there is some solution for you to still get a positive outcome.
*9/10: Unstable pelvis & SI joint, sore IT band. Chiro care, I would shift out hours to days after adjust
*12/10: PT & chiro
*4/11 to 11/11: 5 sessions prolo and 3 prolo w/ PRP
*12/28/11 ESI L L4/L5 - 1/13/12 ESI R L4/L5 - 1/24/12 L SI joint capsule - 3/8/12 TPI - 3/23/12 L L5/S1 - 4/11/12 ESI caudal - 5/23/12 TPI - 7/10/12 Facet inj L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1
*9/12/12: 30 - DRX9000
*12/21/12 schedule. for L4/L5 fusion-CANCELLED 1/7/13
*7/16/2013: 3 level M6(S1-L3) w/ Dr. Bierstedt
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Old 08-19-2014, 09:35 AM
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Dreward - I am so happy you posted these questions as well. Sometimes reading this forum scares me on the choice I'm about to make but to be honest I really am impressed by my surgeon and I feel confident in his abilities.
I am a 54 year old women who is 5'6" and weigh 130 pounds. I am seeing a surgeon in the states and just fought insurance with three appeals until I finally won to get the artificial disc replacement. My surgeon is Dr. Kenneth Pettine and he will perform the surgery in a few weeks. I am getting the Pro-disc L due to my size on the C5, C6, C7 and L5-S1. I do currently have several other opinions coming in from other doctors abroad and will see if they agree with his diagnosis. I don't have any plans to go abroad as I can not afford to pay 50K or more for this surgery and from all the previous patients I know who have had similar surgeries on them rave about him however, some folks on this board really don't give me a warm fuzzy. I will keep you posted when I hear back from the other surgeons to see if they are on the same page. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from others.
1998- Injured neck and back in USAF
2011 - Started experiencing Severe Symptoms, Migranes, numbness, spasms in legs and feet and sciatica.
Feb 2014 - Received upper Lumbar Injection - Severe Allergy to injection
Mar 2014 - MRI of Cervical and Lumbar, protruding disc in C3-7, Herniated Disc in L5/S1, placed on STD and FMLA )
July 2014 - Stem Cell Procedure performed
Oct 20, 2014 - ADR (MOBI-C) at C5-7 and Anterior Fusion at L5/S1 by Dr. Pettine and Dr. Techy
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Old 08-19-2014, 09:48 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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I hope he is doing well, and pray he is.

Thank you for your service Colorado Babe by the way.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 08-21-2014, 10:38 AM
Optimistic Optimistic is offline
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Default Successful Appeal on Multi-Level ADR

Colorado Babe - I am very happy that you won your appeal for ADR surgery. I am also a bit surprised that you were successful if you are obtaining multi-level surgery for the cervical & lumbar areas. My questions are:
Which insurance carrier do you have?
On what basis did they deny your request, e.g. experimental, inadequate conservative treatment, etc?
What additional information/documentation did you provide on your multiple appeals?
How many levels of ADR were approved?
Which levels were approved?

This info can be helpful to countless others. I wish you success with the surgery and your recovery.
1989 – herniated disc at L5-S1
1992 – L5-S1 broad bulging; right L5 nerve root compression; impingement on S1 root within spinal canal;
2006 – DDD L3-S1; disk bulge at L3-L4 and mild facet/ligmentous hypertrophy; L4-L5 large herniated disc; facet/ligmentous hypertrophy with stenosis; disc herniation & dessication at L5-S1;
2013/2014 – Dessication and significant disc height loss at L4-L5 & L5-S1; L3-L4 disc bulge with hypertrophy; mild spinal stenosis; Grade 1 anterolisthesis (3mm); L4-L5 - marginal spurring and moderate hypertrophy causing neuroforaminal narrowing; L5-S1 - moderate-severe neuroforaminal narrowing; lumbar lordosis is straightening.

New pains & functional limitations in late 2013 led to exploring ADR procedures. Consulted with 8 surgeons domestically and 9 in Europe.
May 2014 – Anterior and posterior incisions in a 5-hour surgery resulted in 2 M-6s and one facet joint prosthesis (dynamic stabilization system). On the road to full recovery.
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Old 08-21-2014, 03:10 PM
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My sympathy and prayers go out to you 'DogPilot'. It appears as if you are not interested in responding and who can blame you. Every time I post something positive about my own journey I try to be mindful of those who are suffering and mired in despair. I truly hope better days are ahead for you.

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer

Paul's directive to be joyful, patient and faithful in the midst of tribulations such as yours seems like a hard pill to swallow. Place your hope in Jesus who overcame death.

Faith is only as good as the object in whom it is placed. If it’s placed in yourself, it’s ill-placed. If it’s placed in God, it’s well-placed.
If you have faith in God, you’re also saying, “May it be according to your will, because you know what’s best for me, I don’t know what’s best for myself.” We see a snapshot in time, God sees the panoply of our lives, and therefore we say, “God this is what I would like, but nevertheless not my will but Thy will be done.”

I struggled with my very own words during my recent tribulation, but somehow I managed to not loose hope and I fully recognize that His timing is not ours, and sometimes His answers are not always what we want and when we want it, but ultimately are for our best interest in the Big Picture.

Hang on Brother (this message of hope will be PM'd to DogPilot)

I hope non-Christians and atheists are not offended when I bring my faith into a thread. I respect everyone's right to believe or not believe in whatever they choose.
Bad fall on A$$, Feb 2001 ice hockey
Lami L4/L5 April 2001, L5/S1 Aug 2001
Severe dislocated coccyx (same fall)
Un-diagnosed til 09. (Cannot sit)
Low back pain mild until 2011 - pull started a generator from knees.
rhizotomy Nov 2011 - zilch
Facet joint inj. 18 mo. (no impact)
Can only stand/walk for approx. 30 min
21 hrs/day in bed
L3-5 Activ-Ls (April 2014) Dr Zeegers - walk every day, swim 3 x week. Pain free, no pain meds. Extremely pleased with my decision
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Old 08-21-2014, 05:08 PM
JEVE19 JEVE19 is offline
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Default Don't give up hope


I truly can appreciate the surgery going south!
Don't give up hope!

I battle standing in that dark place too but try to remind myself
that we have some really good doctor's out there and one of them
can probably help us.

I agree with Henry and no offense to anyone but I am trying to have faith
that God is the all mighty healer and pray that he sends me to the right doctor
and I can still have a pain free life again.
I just want to be able to tie my shoes without pain!
Go to a movie or sit on a plane without pain!
If I get that, I'll be happy again.
I feel it can be done.

I know it's hard but hang in there.
Please let us know how you are doing.
L5-S1 Lumbar M6 by Nick Boeree
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Old 08-21-2014, 11:47 PM
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Kelly4ADR Kelly4ADR is offline
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Amen, Henry. Beautifully said.

Dogpilot, I am praying for you. Harrison made a comment as to your thread before and during your surgery, I looked it up and read your story. I also read the blog your sister started on your behalf that you had posted a link to. It looks like it hasn't been updated in a while??? If you have a chance please fill us in on the gaps in your story so we best know how to offer you support.
2004 MRI -cervical bone spur causing pain
2011 MRI -5 bulging discs at C3-7: Recommended C5-6 and C6-7 for a two level fusion, I said no thanks.
2014 MRI -progressive compression C5-7.
MRI 6/5/14- Ruptured L4-5, bulge at L2-3 and L5-S1 Dr recommends discectomy of L4-5 but won't do surgery until cervical is stable
8/2014- 8 months/3 rounds of appeals, Aetna denies 2 level cervical ADR
2 level ADR w/ mobi-c C5-7 Jan 7, 2015
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Old 08-24-2014, 11:24 AM
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colorado babe colorado babe is offline
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Originally Posted by Optimistic View Post
Colorado Babe - I am very happy that you won your appeal for ADR surgery. I am also a bit surprised that you were successful if you are obtaining multi-level surgery for the cervical & lumbar areas. My questions are:
Which insurance carrier do you have?
On what basis did they deny your request, e.g. experimental, inadequate conservative treatment, etc?
What additional information/documentation did you provide on your multiple appeals?
How many levels of ADR were approved?
Which levels were approved?

This info can be helpful to countless others. I wish you success with the surgery and your recovery.
I just posted a long response and when I hit send it said I was not logged in when I was. I have Tricare Prime and all my problems with my back are service related and I am rated 80 percent disabled with the VA. I will try and respond later when I have time. I am currently in nj visiting family. It might not be until Tuesday but I would be happy to share all my info with everyone. #1 key, get your congressman involved and your surgeon in the appeal process. Also evidence-based practices and studies showing that ADR is better, cheaper, faster recovery rate and hospital stay than Fusion. let them know that you have exhausted every option with eastern and western medicine and that you refuse to get a fusion. I also told the third party that It was my body and I should have a say on what is best for me and my body. Will post later when I have more time.
1998- Injured neck and back in USAF
2011 - Started experiencing Severe Symptoms, Migranes, numbness, spasms in legs and feet and sciatica.
Feb 2014 - Received upper Lumbar Injection - Severe Allergy to injection
Mar 2014 - MRI of Cervical and Lumbar, protruding disc in C3-7, Herniated Disc in L5/S1, placed on STD and FMLA )
July 2014 - Stem Cell Procedure performed
Oct 20, 2014 - ADR (MOBI-C) at C5-7 and Anterior Fusion at L5/S1 by Dr. Pettine and Dr. Techy
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Old 08-27-2014, 10:40 AM
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colorado babe colorado babe is offline
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I also had letters from my Congressman and Surgeon. I believe adding other cases in which denials were overturned was a key factor and also proving your point with articles that are evidence-based practices. Good luck!
1998- Injured neck and back in USAF
2011 - Started experiencing Severe Symptoms, Migranes, numbness, spasms in legs and feet and sciatica.
Feb 2014 - Received upper Lumbar Injection - Severe Allergy to injection
Mar 2014 - MRI of Cervical and Lumbar, protruding disc in C3-7, Herniated Disc in L5/S1, placed on STD and FMLA )
July 2014 - Stem Cell Procedure performed
Oct 20, 2014 - ADR (MOBI-C) at C5-7 and Anterior Fusion at L5/S1 by Dr. Pettine and Dr. Techy
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