We are a new organization (as of 2007, The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation) and are currently developing our plans for the future. We encourage feedback from people whose lives and business focus on artificial disc replacement. We would especially like to hear from patients, medical professionals and artificial disc manufacturers.
We launched this site during the week of September 12th, 2004 and welcomed visitors from 18 U.S. States. International visitors from Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, England and Israel logged on and we received our first inquiries from back patients interested in artificial disc replacement. We expect the site’s activity to grow, but we need help from the global community to provide helpful and instructive content to artificial disc replacement patients. Your feedback and support can help us in many ways!
Click on the side links to donate, read about our disclaimers or see the many thanks to the disc replacement patients that contributed to this evolving story.