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Old 08-14-2007, 06:33 PM
robby robby is offline
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Hi Grizz,
Thank you for your reply and it couldn't be more timely. The whole triathalon thing almost brought me to tears. My sister, who was an avid rock/mountain climber, had a terrible accident 3 weeks ago. Her anchors gave out and she fell 20 feet. She broke her back and is now fused from T12 to L2. She has paralysis in both legs and is not expected to walk. But we had always talked about doing a triathalon together, with my 3rd sister, and now with this life changing event for her, the time may be right when she is up some part of it.

I am getting used to riding a bike now. It was definately different at first, but I have adjusted and I am starting to enjoy it more and more. I use the eliptical on off days or bad weather days and it seems to keep me moving ok.

Your 'almost' accident sounded quite scary. I mostly ride on a road trail but there are some times when I am on the street along side the cars. Glad to hear you were fine!

39 years old, Female. Loved to run and workout.
August, 2004 Micro surgery for L4-L5
August, 2006 Second Micro surgery for L4-L5
May, 2007 Discogram revealing DDD at L3-L4 and L4-L5.
Dr. Recommended 2 level ADR. Denied three times.
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:08 PM
Grizz Grizz is offline
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Hi Robby,

I'm sorry about your sisters accident! Those of us that search for the fullest meaning of life expose ourselves to risks that most people would never think of. Accidents hide behind every minute of every day in everyone's life. When I found myself sliding under that car I was somehow comfortable with what happening because I was doing something that means a great deal to me. Granted, I came out the whole event with only scratches and bruises, but in hind sight if my outcome would have been worse at least I was riding my bike not just walking across the street.

Having part of our physical ability stolen for a day or forever is a bad deal, to say the least, but it is no reason to focus on what has been lost. Instead, it is a reason to refocus on the future and the potentially exciting opportunity life has to offer. Human spirit is indestructible as long as one desires it. Give my best to your sister. By the way, the woman with MS that swam the Cour d' Alene triathelon may be looking for a runner / wheel chair for next years race. Her sister did the run this year and is on record as saying that next year may be the year for a friend as opposed to a family member to do the run leg (no spirit ha ha).

Keep the spirit,
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Old 08-17-2007, 06:09 PM
Cleo H Cleo H is offline
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Pre-injury I was mostly a hiker and biker with some swimming this was pre-2002. I tried hiking and couldn't because my right leg would go numb, after my first surgery I could no longer bike because I had lost my proprioception. So instead of hiking I would go on scenic drives, at least I could still swim a little. Finally I had found an agency that would help me get the custom made trike that I needed to become more active again.

I was working on all the paper work will workers' comp. was dragging its feet on approving me for ADR surgery. I hadn't got all the measurements yet when finally workers' comp. called and I was approved. My surgery was scheduled for Aug. 2, 2007. So now I am on the long road to recovery.
injury 5/2002
Lamonectomy 4/2003
Spinal cord stimulator implanted 1/2004
PT, gait training, Chronic pain
ADR 8/2/2007
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Old 08-18-2007, 08:31 PM
Ouch! Ouch! is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Robby, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Please wish her my best, my prayers are with you all.

No Fusion, please.
Looking for ADR direction
20 years of back problems, no known specific cause
5/9/07 at Consultation Texas Back Institute, Dr. Zigler
7/5/07 Insurance struggles
7/19/07 Prodisk surgery, TBI, Dr Zigler
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Old 08-18-2007, 08:50 PM
Ouch! Ouch! is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 68

I have to say how amazed I am at all the biking. I don't mind walking too much (read that can tolerate) but I usually end up with a hurt foot after a couple of months or so and have to stop. Several years ago my family doctor really encouraged me to find an exercise I like (there really aren't any), so we explored a list. She asked me what did I like to do as a kid, besides play? I said swinging on swings and biking. She suggested I look for a bike I liked; I like the old manual type with foot brakes. I biked until the weather got too hot (in the 90's), but I never managed to get very far. I have only biked a few times since then. Even at my best I only managed to learn to balance again and bike my block and back home. That is a far cry from biking around the neighborhood with the wind blowing your hair. So, I am still looking for something exercise wise to do.

Any suggestions?

No Fusion, please.
Looking for ADR direction
20 years of back problems, no known specific cause
5/9/07 at Consultation Texas Back Institute, Dr. Zigler
7/5/07 Insurance struggles
7/19/07 Prodisk surgery, TBI, Dr Zigler
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Old 08-19-2007, 07:32 AM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Even if you can just walk 20-30 minutes a day, just do it! Weight-bearing exercises are important, as they can help maintain strong bones and muscles, aid digestion and help circulate fluids throughout your body. But there’s more to it as we know; here’a a nice summary of the key points we all need to consider in staying healthy:

I’ve done many kinds of sports and exercises, but I get lazy and end up either cycling or walking. You don’t have to be a tri-athlete, but it will help if you can get into ANY routine of exercise!

Keep trying and experimenting. You’ll find your groove…just like Robbie!

Robbie, back to you. I’d like to catch up with you some time about your legal process…
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 08-19-2007, 02:51 PM
robby robby is offline
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Hi Harrison,

Tuesday is the big day. They say they will not give an answer there, at the review panel, but that they will mail me one in 5 business days. I have been rehearsing my speech all weekend. I am scared but feel confident I have a good case.
I will let you know as soon as I hear something.

Jane....I also use an elliptical machine on off days or when the weather is bad. Sometimes I can only do it for 10 minutes, but some days I can go 30 or 40. If you go out and look to purchase one, be sure not to get the cheapest one out there. I tend to feel some of the cheaper ones do more damage than good. But it does help keep me active and does give me some variety. Good luck.

39 years old, Female. Loved to run and workout.
August, 2004 Micro surgery for L4-L5
August, 2006 Second Micro surgery for L4-L5
May, 2007 Discogram revealing DDD at L3-L4 and L4-L5.
Dr. Recommended 2 level ADR. Denied three times.
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Old 08-19-2007, 04:59 PM
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Terry Terry is offline
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Hi Jane:

I have ridden a bicycle since being a kid. I had a serious accident as a kid and did not ride for a few years. Then I picked it up again while still a kid and have never stopped.

The risks I took as a younger man I would not do anymore. Like riding 3,000 miles across the U.S. in 1982 without a helmet on. I go nowhere without a helmet anymore. I was involved in an instantaneous accident about 10 years ago where I rounded a corner, hit a patch of sand, and went down for the count. I lost a lot of skin but suffered no head injury due to wearing a helmet. My head hit the pavement so hard that, even with a helmet on, I saw stars. Someone would be changing my diapers today had I not wore a helmet.

Most sports have an element of risk. I still love the feeling of the wind going through my hair and, with the new, better helmets of today I can still feel the wind and know my head is protected.

I had 4 discs replaced in November last year which is 9 months ago. I have over 1,200 miles ridden so far and am shooting for over 2,000 miles. Bicycling sure has helped the pre-surgery time and post-surgery recuperation.

Try riding a bicycle some distance Jane and hopefully the biking bug will bite you. My best riding buddy is 71 years old and I turned 50 this year. I hope to ride till old, old age and still feel the magic of the wind through my hair.

Good-luck and I hope you find the sport that will create magic for you.

Terry Newton
1980 ruptured L4-L5
1988 ruptured SI-L5
1990 ruptured C5-C6
1994 ruptured C6-C7
1995 Hemi-Laminectomy C5-C6, C6-C7 Mayo Clinic
Bicycle Accident 2004
MRI, EMG, Facet Injections, Epidural Blocks, Lumbar Discogram.
Stenum Hospital Surgery November 4, 2006
Prestige Disc C5-C6, C6-C7
Maverick Disc S1-L5, L4-L5
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Old 08-19-2007, 07:38 PM
Ouch! Ouch! is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 68

Hi Harrison,

I know about the advantages of walking but have problems other than a very slow pace. Walking slow enough for my 86 year old step-dad is not a problem.

I just had another injection in my left foot last week and was admonished to "stay off of it and take it easy" or I would be facing foot surgery. When I had this condition in the right foot it took more than a year to get over and I was very careful. I don't want another operation of any kind right now.

We bought a very good elliptical machine several years ago. My husband does use it most of the time when he can't go hiking. I have used it some, it is very boring.

I hope your review goes well.

You are an inspiration. I guess if your riding buddy is 71, I shouldn't give up at 56. I will have to wait until Dr. Zigler gives the ok, as he gave it a definate no when I saw him last.

Thanks to you all for your encouragement.

No Fusion, please.
Looking for ADR direction
20 years of back problems, no known specific cause
5/9/07 at Consultation Texas Back Institute, Dr. Zigler
7/5/07 Insurance struggles
7/19/07 Prodisk surgery, TBI, Dr Zigler
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Old 08-25-2007, 03:15 PM
Ouch! Ouch! is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 68

I have been interviewing physical therapists. I narrowed it down to 2 and went to see the one I was really leaning toward.

She said the plantar fasciitis is going to have to be addressed first. She suggested I have a doctor order treatment for that to include ultra sound. The othe thing she said was that an elliptical would not agrivate the foot and give good exercise once Dr Zigler gives the ok.

No Fusion, please.
Looking for ADR direction
20 years of back problems, no known specific cause
5/9/07 at Consultation Texas Back Institute, Dr. Zigler
7/5/07 Insurance struggles
7/19/07 Prodisk surgery, TBI, Dr Zigler
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