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Old 05-06-2010, 09:17 PM
CG Brady CG Brady is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 8
Default What Surgeons Don't Know Or Don't Want to Know

Theoretically speaking, If the disk fairy swooped down and gave you all brand new disks you may still not be pain free. Your spine if constantly trying to maintain its curves and its alignment. Oops! Word like alignment and subluxation and orthogonality are words that the back doctor do not want to hear. There may be a person with a perfectly horrible looking MRI yet he may be asymptomatic. Your surgeon cannot tell you why.

When I had only a C-5 - 6 herniation I hurt all over but mostly on my entire left side. When I said I was in horrible pain 24/7, the sadists told me that I shouldn't be in that much pain and it should not be in my legs. Knowing what I know now if some overpriced butcher had told me that now I'd kick him in the balls just so he would have an idea of how it feels.

The only thing that kept me from blowing my brains out of becoming drug dependent was chiropractic. It was no panacea but it was a heck of a lot better than what the medical world was offering me. About all I got from MDs was expensive and dangerous drugs and disrespect.

When you have disk problems chances are your back will be come as crooked as a corporate Republican. Eventually the muscles, tendons and ligaments will become distorted and less functional. MDs think that skid marks cause accidents. They want to lead you to believe that a new disk or a fusion is all you need. That would be like putting new tires on your care without first balancing the rims and aligning the wheels. Your nerves and muscles have been functioning a certain way due to your disk problem so as a result your soft tissues that hold everything together are not working properly.

This one really angers and confuses the butchers. Your head my not be on straight. There is a bone right under your occiputs called the atlas. Soory doc but if your atlas is not where is should be then your head won't be where it should be. OH NO! Bio-mechanics! BUT it gets worse! There is some neurology involved to. I know doc, its been you hear the term cerebral vestibular function. For some reason nature wants our head to looking a certain way and then the muscles in the neck and the inner ear all start communicating they begin to contort the spine to get your head in the right position. Because it cannot do this with your head either tipped backwards, forward or off to one side you end up with muscle spasms and pain. When you ask the surgeon why he will give you a dumb look and say that your surgery when fine. You will get another dumb look and usually dumb looks are free.

The fact is you can have a technically perfect surgery and your surgeon may have been a cabinet maker instead of a carpenter yet you will still be in pain and guess what... your surgeon doesn't have a clue as to why. He's as confused as you are. He will offer an explanation but it will be only a guess.

I am up the proverbial creek because I listened to an MDs 20 years ago. Finally I was fortunate enough to see and atlas orthogonal chiropractor. I went 8 months pain free. Unfortunately I moved to anther part of the state and my pain returned. With MD I have been given some options. One is called radio frequency ablation. This is a barbaric procedure with little chance of doing and good and a major chance of it doing great harm. The other one is an epidural steroid injection. That procedure is also very dangerous. Then there is a fusion. That is another roll of the dice.

Because MDs are an arrogant bunch they will discount all other science but their own corporate sponsored self serving blather.

Spend 70 bucks and see an atlas orthogonal DC if you can find one. 70 - 100 bucks will cover the cost of the X-rays and first treatment. It is totally painless and safe and it may make your surgery end up working.

I have seen fusions and ADR done. A monkey can do it. Your surgeon is not even as qualified to work on your body as a certified mechanic is to work on your car. Your surgeon is like the gook the hire to change tires and oil. The smart guy is the one who adjusts your caster, camber and thrust.

Your disk installation may have been done right and the results can still be positive. You just have to go to a qualified expert to finish what the corporate monkey has done.
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