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Old 06-15-2008, 06:34 PM
lynette lynette is offline
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Posts: 8

Hi all I have joined this site to help me get through this ordeal of spinal problems.I have been fighting disc stuff for 5 years and had to have a microdiskectomy in feb 2008 due to a fragmented disc that sat on my siatic nerve for a week and wasn't going anywhere. Have done great since the lumbar surgery but my worst fear happened and the stress of the lumbar surgery re-herniated a cervical disc that I almost had surgery on in 2004 but I was very lucky and the disc came off the cord so I canceled surgery. It's been 5 weeks this time and it doesn't seem to want to get better.I am myelopathic but my surgeon said it's not bad yet but probably not going away. Luckly I can work but thats about it. So I'm looking into my options again for the neck. Really poor timing cuz I start a new employer tomarrow with new ins and waiting times for different disability options. I really wanted the adr 5 yrs ago cuz I have 2 sisters already with neck fusions and one is disabled from her surgery so I've always had a lot of anxiety towards this surgery. Never had anxiety issues but now have alot of chest pain and neck tightness, hard to tell if just the disc or anxiey but think it's both.So thats my story!!
2003 diag. cervical spondylitic disease with herniated c5 c6 myelopathy and mild herniated L5 s1 feb 2004 cervical surg sched with adr trial in nyc surg cancelled disc off cord
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Old 06-15-2008, 06:49 PM
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Terry Terry is offline
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I think you are in luck in some ways. I believe cervical ADR is much easier tolerated than lumbar disc replacement. I have two Prestige discs in my neck and am pleased with my range of motion and my abilities since before the surgery. You've come to the right place and welcome.

Terry Newton
1980 ruptured L4-L5
1988 ruptured SI-L5
1990 ruptured C5-C6
1994 ruptured C6-C7
1995 Hemi-Laminectomy C5-C6, C6-C7 Mayo Clinic
Bicycle Accident 2004
MRI, EMG, Facet Injections, Epidural Blocks, Lumbar Discogram.
Stenum Hospital Surgery November 4, 2006
Prestige Disc C5-C6, C6-C7
Maverick Disc S1-L5, L4-L5
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Old 06-15-2008, 07:22 PM
Dave C Dave C is offline
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Welcome Lynette,

This site has helped me in more ways than I could ever explain. I underwent a two level ADR on C5/6 and C6/7 11 days ago and feel on top of the world. By reading posts on Lumbar surgeries, I "must" agree with Terry that Cervical ADR is easier tolerated. At least it was for me. I'm sure there is always the exception.

Good luck on your journey,

Diagnosed with DDD in Nov, 2007. MRI, EMG
C3/4 C4/5 C5/6 C6/7
Surgery 06.04.08--C5/6 and C6/7 with Prodisc was a success.
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Old 06-16-2008, 06:41 AM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Hello again Lynette. Let me know if you need any help.

"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:06 AM
Twiz77 Twiz77 is offline
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Posts: 76

Hi Lynette - welcome to the group! I am sorry you are going through these issues. I am also sorry to hear about your sister's surgery. There are alot of folks on this site who have alot of knowledge and experiences to share. It is a great resource. I encourage you to do as much research as possible - and ask questions. But it sounds like you are no stranger to this process. I am just starting to learn about my spine......

I too am in the same boat with my neck - herniated disk at C5-6 with myleopathy (it is not super bad - but bad enough with hand and neck motion the legs get cramps and muscle spasms, etc - which really freaks me out to think about what could be going on with my spinal cord..... I sometimes just wish I could send a tiny robot in there - so you can see what exactly is going on - the MRI's are good - but does not capture the entire picture) For me -it all started last Aug - when "mild" stenosis was diagnosed (I had off and on neck pain, numbness in my hands (and my left toe)- they said no significant compression - it was a good 4 mos of rehab and pain, limited motion, etc. EMG's normal. None of the NS I spoke to thought my issues warranted surgery. I was told I was an "neurological oddity"...Ok, whatever. Finally - and just as several had indicated would happen - the body calmed down for 5-6 mos and life went on. Just this past month - I moved my neck in such a way that - voila - all of the issues have re-fired up - but more of the direct neck/arm movement causing leg pain/cramps, muscle twitches, etc. My arms/hands/shoulders are ok - sometimes they burn. Neck pain is there - but more of a pressure feeling - especially with my limited use of it. I guard it alot too inorder limit issues. My lower back get really sore too.

I agree with your concerns of fusion. I do know many folks who have had it done - and no problems. My concern is with my DDD - of having other herniations, and of course - just never being the same - but spinal cord compression is not good either...

I love the idea of ADR - but until reading some of the posts - I now know I need to be worried about facet degeneration going into this. Never even occurred to me about that issue. Last fall I was freaked out with the whole idea of just having surgery - and was a little unsure of the newness of the ADR (only a few drs were doing them in Fla then - alot more are doing them now). With the body rebounding last fall - I stopped my research and went back to life. This time around - I have been reading and reading - which is what I encourage you to do. I would urge you to google the heck out of it. This board is terrific with information - I have learned so much since I joined just a few weeks ago.

I do know that traction really caused me more pain than I could ever dream of having - so I wonder if this is a sign of the facets going bad. I wonder and worry about the height/size of the ADR - will it be like it was with traction - but as I have thought that through - traction is opening up the spaces of the bones - alot more than the smaller size ADR would.

I have an appt with an orthoped. surgeon - Dr. Garcia - in Miami - to grill him on all of these issues.

In talking with your drs - here are questions you may want to ask about (my list is still growing and this is what I am going to do next week with Dr. Garcia and some other NS I plan to see - I am sure you have tons of better questions than I do - but thought I would share):
- what are sizes, shapes of the ADR's (the manufax list these - but good to get input on the dr who may be doing the procedure), what type do they use, how much experience have they had in doing the procedure, are you a candidate for ADR, how do I know if I have facet issues, what type of tests to do to figure this out for sure, how are my bone structures, is it more of a concern being a female with these things for the bone structure, what is involved with revision(I have read the horror stories with lumbar revisions - so not sure if it is as bad with the neck) - if this thing causes my facets to rebel? am I eligible to for part of the disk that is sticking out to be removed - will it cause more instability, what about these new advances with nucleus regeneration they are doing in Germany (ADCT - I believe is the acronym), is there anything else out there that is an option for me to save my spinal cord - other than fusion or ADR?? Ugh.

We will see how long Dr. Garcia indulges me to get all of these questions answered!!

All my best to you - please contact me if you want to talk about it.

Aug 2007 - diagnosed with DDD at C5-6 - herniated disk with mild stenosis at right/central of cord - but pain/occasional numbness mostly on the left side - and down into the leg/foot - which has puzzled doctors - even had a lumbar puncture - but thankfully all clear!
May 2008- after many months of no symptoms and issues- flare up- and new MRI shows moderate stenosis.
L4-5 small annular tear with some DD
Big fan of massages and acupuncture to help with muscle tightness/pain.
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Old 06-16-2008, 08:03 PM
lynette lynette is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 8

Thanks for all your welcomes and thoughts. My arms are way too tired to type much tonight but I will keep posted. I see my internist on wed to talk about anxiety issues. Still not convinced it's not just the disc and myelopathy. Has anyone had chest pain related to their disc and not really anxiety?? I had allergic reactions to morphine, norflex and flexeril during my lumbar ordeal and using valium for muscle spasms and neck and chest tightness. It works good but of coarse addictive. Talk to you all soon. Lynette
2003 diag. cervical spondylitic disease with herniated c5 c6 myelopathy and mild herniated L5 s1 feb 2004 cervical surg sched with adr trial in nyc surg cancelled disc off cord
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Old 06-17-2008, 06:52 AM
LBP LBP is offline
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Have you been taking a lot of NASIDS? Anti-inflammatory meds? Ibuprophins????

I had chest pain at time, other times, long coughing bouts, also at times, popping Tums like M&Ms. Turned out taking these kinds of NASID meds caused harm to the lining of my esophagus and now I am on Aciphex a Protein Pump Inhibitor med (PPI) to help with my chronic heartburn.

Just one thought.
Injured 9/01
Annular tears L4/5 & L5/S1
denied adr by insurance for 2 level charite as well as hybrid fusion at L5/S1 with Charite at L4/5.

New ins paid for 2 level lumbar prodisc surgery on 4/7/08 (at age 39) with Dr. Westerlund, at Core Orthop
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:06 AM
Twiz77 Twiz77 is offline
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Lynette - I get chest pain - it is usually from being a certain position or when raising my arms/hands up for the keyboard, etc. I really believe it is related to the disk. I did have heart diagnostic exams back 2005 when I was in severe chest/arm pain - it was clear - I should have had an MRI on my neck - as I think that was the true cause of my problems back then. I have spoken to many folks with herniated disks in their neck and they have said the same thing about experiencing chest pains.

Anxiety too plays a great role in this.

Aug 2007 - diagnosed with DDD at C5-6 - herniated disk with mild stenosis at right/central of cord - but pain/occasional numbness mostly on the left side - and down into the leg/foot - which has puzzled doctors - even had a lumbar puncture - but thankfully all clear!
May 2008- after many months of no symptoms and issues- flare up- and new MRI shows moderate stenosis.
L4-5 small annular tear with some DD
Big fan of massages and acupuncture to help with muscle tightness/pain.
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:03 PM
lynette lynette is offline
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Posts: 8

I did see my internist today to help with the anxiety issues. My neuro had given me valium to take as needed so I was taking about one every 2-3 days when needed but really wasnt getting stronger. My internist said valium can have withdrawal symptoms even after being on it for a very short time so he wanted me to take one daily for two weeks then drop back to every other day then maybe half a day then stop. I must say I have taken one for 3 days in a row and I was able to walk tonight for 15min which is good for me after I have worked all day. I am a nurse and on my feet alot during the day. I have another PT eval next wed and he wants me to have massage therapy with the PT.Maybe a lot of my leg weakness was really related to the anxiety and not the disc. The mind is a very power full thing.So I hope to gain some strength while on the valium and my body is relaxed!! Lynette
2003 diag. cervical spondylitic disease with herniated c5 c6 myelopathy and mild herniated L5 s1 feb 2004 cervical surg sched with adr trial in nyc surg cancelled disc off cord
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Old 06-20-2008, 09:23 AM
Twiz77 Twiz77 is offline
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Posts: 76

Hi Lynette - I am in the same position - and concerned with every little thing in the body right now with this spinal cord too. Glad to hear that you are walking a bit with some meds.

I am worried it may be affecting my bladder now (only this past week) - but also I have been a nervous wreck too. I am also finding that maybe some of my leg issues actually be maybe from my lower back - but again - not sure. I am turning and twisting all day just to assess - my PT was somewhat helpful. The joy of living in a small town. Speaking of which - my MRI report was interesting. The disk herniation does look a bit bigger than last fall from my read - but not dramatically different (last fall there was mild stenosis and no compression). I do think there is compression now compared to last fall. My neuro - did the interepration for the new MRI- and did not have the radiologist do the report!! All I got was "there is a significant increase in size in the disk with more impingement into the spinal cord compared to 10 mos ago." Unreal!! He referred me to a different facility from where I had the prior MRIs (again over my objection) I am seeing a surgeon in Miami on Monday - and I am waiting to hear back from other surgeons. It will be interesting to see what they say. I am eager to discuss what my facets look like with the orthepd. surgeon on Monday and if at all I can some sort of minimally invasive procedure done as a stop gap while they are perfecting these new technologies.

Hang in there! I tried a muscle relaxant last night just to take the edge off my nerves - it helped some. This is a mind over matter experience for sure.

Aug 2007 - diagnosed with DDD at C5-6 - herniated disk with mild stenosis at right/central of cord - but pain/occasional numbness mostly on the left side - and down into the leg/foot - which has puzzled doctors - even had a lumbar puncture - but thankfully all clear!
May 2008- after many months of no symptoms and issues- flare up- and new MRI shows moderate stenosis.
L4-5 small annular tear with some DD
Big fan of massages and acupuncture to help with muscle tightness/pain.
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