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Old 03-31-2007, 09:20 AM
Rick_In_NM Rick_In_NM is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 20

Hi everyone,

I just joined up here and thank everyone for all the excellent information provided. I will explain my situation and ask people to comment.

From my profile, you can get the basics. I was involved in a skiing accident while in college, a few years latter I had a herniated disc and lost all feeling in my right leg from the knee down. After 10 days of treatment, I was given chymopapaine which immediately fixed it. However, I believe that is the reason for my long term problems. I had another ruptured disc, followed by years of pain. I have gradually given up most activites and was limited to only playing golf. About 3 years ago, even that became difficult. Yes, I couldn't play 9 holes (with cart) without pain medication (Tramadol, Tylenol) or indulging in excessive alchol.

I then had a RadioFrequency Abalation (kill nerve endings on Facet joints) which offered relief for about 3-4 months. It didn't completely but ended about 3/4 of the pain. I had a second one a year latter and it was much less successful and the pain returned almost immediately. I then had a Discogram and it identified most of the pain coming from L4/L5. I then had an MRI which showed serious DDD at both L4/L5 and L5/S1. I saw a neurosurgeon who took one look at the scans and said I needed Fusion. Yes, no alternatives and after 5 minutes of talking to him, he said I needed surgery. That was last fall and I decided to wait.

Well, I don't want Fusion I want ADR but given the situation here I will have to pay for it myself; either in the US or go to Europe.

So here is my question: should I have it done now or wait?

Wait: My pain is not as bad as many here. I still work full time and can get around although it is painful. If I wait a few years more studies will be completed and the long term effects of ADR will be better known. The Maverick or others might get approved. The insurance situation might change.

Do it now: Why live in pain? My situation will only get worse over time. The FDA has only approved 1 level ADR and that isn't likely to change so insurance won't cover 2 level even if I wait. There have already been lots of studies and the medical community refuses to accept them and insist on more. How much more? Another 10 years of studies?

Anyway, sorry for the long post. Anyone with experience in dealing with this please comment. Should I do it now or wait?

1980 SKiing accident;
1983 Herniated Disc-> Chymopapaine;
1986 Herniated Disc;
2005 RadioFrequency;
2006 RadioFrequency;
2006 Discogram
2006 MRI -> DDD L4/L5, L5/S1
2006 Surgeon Recommends Fusion
2007 I WANT ADR !!!
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Old 03-31-2007, 10:46 AM
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CindyLou CindyLou is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 627

Welcome Rick! You pose a tough question, should you have it now or wait? Honestly, (and, of course, it's never what you want to hear!) only you hold the answer to that question. However,you are certainly in the right place to further your journey to an answer that is best for you! If I may digress, to my own personal plight, maybe for your benefit, I hope: I too had my very first big injury as a young adult alpine skiing in the wonderful powder at Park City, Utah, college... winter break, 1973. The quintessential last day, last run, of course.... black diamond. When I fell, I could hear my left knee ligament rip. Ended up having to stay in Utah for immediate mcl repair and meniscus removal. All my ski buddies had to depart for their respective universities; my folks didn't come, guess they didn't think it was that serious, and I had that invasive surgery all alone, in a strange hospital, at 19. I had another arthroscopic surgery on that same knee 10 years later, which I now believe has contributed to my leg length discrepancy and eventual hip and back pain, some 35 years later. I never let it stop me. I continued skiing all thru the years with regular cortizone injections in my knee, back and hip. Then when I had that horrific bicycle accident in 01', sustaining two compression fractures, I started going south fast. I still skied and taught skiing up until last year. Not without pain, and certainly not with the finesse I usually skied with. Is it my time to finally have adr? You bet it is. I am 54 years young, and I have alot of living left to do, all of which revolves around sports, and fitness, love of our great Mother Earth, the outdoors. I cannot remember if you said how old you are, but life is short. We only get this one shot to live it; no reruns here. You will know when your time comes. My ephifany was something like: I refuse to live anymore with this crappy quality of life. I have all my faculties making this decision for adr, way too well aware of all the risks involved with such major surgery, to take a chance, that somewhere, down the line, after many, many months of rehab, there will be something better. I'm takin' that chance. (incidentally, I did not let money rule my decision making. Do I want to be reimbursed? Hell yes. Would I have maxed out every credit card if necessary, to pay for it? Hell yes. My time is now.) Trust me, with all the support and direction in this community, you will find answers to your questions, and you will know when it is your time. All the very best to you on your journey! I would be happy to chat anytime or feel free to PM me. (and forgive this lengthy response)
bicycle accident 6/19/01
2 compression fractures, T12, L1;
vertibroplasty @ above levels, 9/15/01
4/06 hip labral tear repair
4/07 Lumbar ProDisc replacement by Dr. B., 3 levels; L3-6
7/2/08 ALIF of L6-S1
7/30/08 Removed bone cement.
8/7/08 Diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, double pneumonia, collapsed left lung, pleurisy, pleural effusion.
3/10/09 right SI Joint Fusion; seeing light at end of tunnel, for first time in 8 years!!
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:25 PM
Justin Justin is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 954

Hi Rick,

Sorry you have a history of spine problems. I used to live in Albuquerque, New Mexico (just moved a couple years ago for medical school).

My advice: AVOID SPINE SURGERY AT ALL COSTS IN NM. I travelled to the Texas Back Institute for my stateside evaluation. Your surgeon is probably recommending fusion because there is absolutely no one in NM that does ADR ( I think this still holds true).

I could go on and on about what is wrong with NM healthcarek, but I'll spare you.

Sorry gotta run, I will chime in with more details later.


EDIT: Dr. Keith Harvie is one of the best surgeons I have ever met. He advised me to head out of state.

Keith Harvie DO

Orthopaedic Consultants
4325 Carlisle NE
Albuquerque NM 87107
Orthopedic Surgeon
Tel: 505-883-1506
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