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Old 04-07-2005, 05:45 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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PainSupport eNewsletter

Super Self-Esteem

It's always important for anyone, pain or no pain, to take active steps to keep a high degree of self-esteem and confidence - and it is doubly important if you have pain in your life. When we have chronic (long term) pain we may find we can no longer do certain things or people may regard us in a different way and, as a result, our confidence, dignity and sense of self-worth can take a knock back.

To keep morale high and boost your self-esteem try some of the following suggestions:

- Structure your day with goals that you can meet, aim high but don't be unrealistic. This will give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day,

- Stay in touch with with others, talk to a friend, email, phone or write to someone. Make new friends who understand your circumstances via the PainSupport Contact Club (details on website, Having someone who's willing to take time to listen to you and who understands your situation lets you know that you're valued.

- Make a difference. Help someone - even a small gesture can often make another person's day. If you have nothing else to give, give them your smile!

- Treat yourself! We all like giving and receiving presents, so give yourself a gift - and do it EVERY day! When you awake in the morning ask yourself what you will do for yourself that day. It could be time taken out to listen to some great music, read a book, take a relaxing bath, savour a piece of chocolate - anything that you enjoy and is special for you.

- If you're at home, don't lounge around in nightclothes or tracksuits, get dressed each day, even if you do have to go and lie down to rest during the day. You will feel so much better and so will everyone else around you when they see you making an effort. Try a different hairstyle or hair colour. Try some different clothes or shoes. When you look better, you feel better.

- You have special qualities, make a list of all your best qualities, eg a good sense of humour, determination, patience, etc., etc. Read it often - and keep adding to it!

- Now make a list of all the things you do well, eg cookery, writing emails, listen to and talking to neighbours, being organised, driving, etc. etc. Again, read it often and keep adding to it.

- Take some exercise every day, we all feel better if we exercise. It has been proven that exercise relieves depression, produces 'feel-good' happy hormones and increases self-esteem. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy. Often the gentle forms are best for people with pain, such as Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates or walking.

- Take charge of your pain yourself. Remember PREP -

a) Pace your activities so you don't overdo things,
b) Relaxation and visualisation - make time for it each day,
c) Exercise each day, see above,
d) Positive thinking - stay focused on what you CAN do and what you do have in life - and on ways to help yourself.

You can add joy and a real purpose to your life if you take on board some of the ideas above for boosting your self-esteem. It's an effort worth making!

ADD THESE IDEAS TO YOUR TOOL KIT, especially PREP - Your Tool Kit is your notebook of self-help pain relief methods - a special notebook to remind you of techniques and skills for coping with pain. Your Tool Kit is especially useful when pain flares up. It will give you constructive and positive ideas to focus upon.

"Blessed are we who can LAUGH at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused."
- - Unknown


A man is at the Pearly Gates, hoping to be admitted, and St. Peter says, looking at his record, "I can't see that you did anything really good in your life, but you didn't do anything bad either. I tell you what, if you can tell me one really good deed that you did, you're in."

So the man says, "Once I was driving down the road and saw a gang of bikers assaulting this poor girl. So I pulled over, grabbed a golf club, got out my car, and walked straight up to the gang's leader - a huge ugly guy with a studded leather jacket, bald head but with hair all over his body, and a chain running from his nose to his ear. Undaunted, I ripped the chain out of his nose and ear and smashed him over the head with the club. Then I turned around and, wielding the club yelled to the rest of them, 'You leave this poor, innocent lady alone! You're all a bunch of sick, deranged animals! Go home before I teach you all a lesson in pain!'"

Impressed, St. Peter says, "Really? I can't seem to find this in your file. When did this happen?"

"Oh, about two minutes ago."


Keep smiling!

I hope you find the above ideas useful. If you would like more information on any of the items above plus more ideas for pain relief, please go to the website below or contact me for details of my CDs, tapes and books which contains many more methods for relaxation, pain and stress relief.

Jan at PainSupport
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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Old 04-07-2005, 01:03 PM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,121

Cute joke Alastair!
Thanks for the above, wise words...
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