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Old 01-23-2007, 10:39 AM
ClassicZippo ClassicZippo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 71

I'm glad I finally found this site!I was assaulted by a patient almost 18 years ago, sustaining a # of L1 when I was 23 y.o.Since then,its been a roller coaster ride of stress and pain. I have been diagnosed with DDD and "mechanical low back with sciatica". I have disc bulging at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and multilevel facet degenerative changes.My range of motion is poor and I have difficulty walking any distance.
I was told in Nov. 2006 that spinal fusion is no longer done and since ADR is considered experimental, I am not a candidate as I require 2.The only options I have been given are more epidural cortisone injections and narcotics.WSIB has been on ongoing nightmare and I have been told I cannot return to nursing in any capacity.
I have decided to go out of country for ADR.Can anyone steer me in the right direction regarding the process and an estimate of cost?There are so many third party medical tourism providers,I don't know where to turn.
wedge compression #L1 1989 - assaulted by patient at work
Herniation L4-L5,L5-S1
the usual... myelograms,MRI's,CT scans,xrays,EMG
epidural blocks
facet injections
"serious degeneration" L1-L2
Discogram - L1 - S1 -discogenic with L3/4,L4/5
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Old 01-23-2007, 11:09 AM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Just to untangle a few of your assumptions:

- The Charite’ ADR was approved in 2004. The term "experimental" is used by major insurance companies to rationalize their non-coverage policies.
- Many folks here in the U.S. have had single and double ADR with good results; you need not fly overseas to get excellent treatment. Just find an experienced doctor.
- There are well over 100,000 fusions done annually in the U.S.; fusion continues to be the most appropriate option for many patients.

Perhaps you can get a referral to an experienced surgeon who is more familiar with many aspects of spine surgery, e.g. fusion, arthroplasty, new clinical trials? That being said, if you feel you must fly abroad, most people here have good results with Dr. Bertagnoli and Dr. Zeegers. For costs, see the topic on ADR Costs in the FAQs:

Can you create a signature line? Thanks.
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 01-23-2007, 11:11 AM
Bionic Michelle Bionic Michelle is offline
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Hi! Welcome, but sorry for the reasons you're here! I feel for you having to give up your nursing career! I was only in nursing school when mine happened, but it was a loss as that was all I'd ever wanted to be. I'm curious about the statement that fusion is no longer done, and that ADR is still experimental. Fusions are done all the time. Was it simply not a good idea in your case? Also, there are now 2 different ADR's that are FDA approved. I don't think that the FDA has approved 2 levels yet, so you still may be best off going out of the country. But my one-level in Denver was paid for by insurance. I have heard of one person in Calif getting a two level but I think that was still a study?? There are also hybid surgeries that are an option at your levels- fuse L5-S1, and ADR at L4-5. I don't have any info on getting in touch overseas but there are lots of people here that will. Just wanted to present some options and say welcome!!! Hang in there!
Laminectomy L4-5 1998
Relief X 2 yr
Repeat L4-5 2001
Relief X 1 yr
DDD pain 2 1\2 years
13 Docs, 9 PT's, 3 Chiros, 8 Epidurals, many injections, and one child later...
Prodisc placement L 4-5 Sept 2006
Facet Rhizolysis L4-5,L5-S1 March 2007, Nov 2007, Jan 2009
Second child arrived Dec 2008!
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Old 01-23-2007, 11:21 AM
ClassicZippo ClassicZippo is offline
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Posts: 71

Hi Harrison & Bionic
I am in Ontario,Canada.I saw a surgeon in London,Ontario (considered to be have some of the best spine doc's in Canada). He said it is still considered experimental here and fusions are no longer done.Having treatment in the U.S. is cost prohibitive hence my reason for looking to Europe.I will create a signature line... LOL... bear with me,I am a total newbie! Thx for your replies
wedge compression #L1 1989 - assaulted by patient at work
Herniation L4-L5,L5-S1
the usual... myelograms,MRI's,CT scans,xrays,EMG
epidural blocks
facet injections
"serious degeneration" L1-L2
Discogram - L1 - S1 -discogenic with L3/4,L4/5
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Old 01-23-2007, 01:18 PM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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All about Europe is in the FAQ`s
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
Your best asset is your health
My story is here
Thank goodness for Dr Zeegers I am painfree
I am here to help,I live in the UK

I now run the UK spine site and can be contacted at
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Old 01-23-2007, 02:01 PM
LBP LBP is offline
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I wrote a whole post and then noticed you're in Canada!

prodisc in the US was approved for 1 level in august last year...we are waiting for the fda to approve the 2 level part of the prodisc study, hoping it will be soon.

So far prodisc is the only disc that has done a multi level lumbar disc clinical trial in US.

The "investigational and experimental" is a load of crap for US ins companies. If we were federal employees d...the federal gov't forces private insurance companies to pay for it because they have determined that ins companies can no longer say an fda approved device is "experimental and investigational." the rest of us get jerked around. US Medicare recently took a baby step towards approving coverage....they made a decision to not ban it nationally! and left it up to local depts to make case by case decisions. medicare is very influential for trends in private insurance companies. Aetna has been the leader in covering ADR in the private sector.

there are numerous threads of discussion, some pretty recent about going to germany for adr. Someone just recently got back...I think chasswen (sp?) look for some of his posts. Lots of discussion about cost, how to handle various things, where to go, which facility, hotels for family etc. you may have to do a little digging in different categories. I think someone is going to the Alphaklink soon so you should be able to searh the name and find some discussion.

If you've heard about stenum do your reasearch on this site before going...there's a lot of debate and controversy on that location. Some people warning you not to go and others giving glowing recommendations???

I've not yet heard anything bad about going to Munich to see Dr. B or I guess he's now also at the alphklink???

good luck and happy reading.
Injured 9/01
Annular tears L4/5 & L5/S1
denied adr by insurance for 2 level charite as well as hybrid fusion at L5/S1 with Charite at L4/5.

New ins paid for 2 level lumbar prodisc surgery on 4/7/08 (at age 39) with Dr. Westerlund, at Core Orthop
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Old 01-23-2007, 02:16 PM
AJ AJ is offline
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Posts: 64


Just to let you know that 2 is an option. I'm walking proof! I had same diagnosis as you and post op if definitely better than pre-op.

AJ x
2009 May 9th - Revision L5/S1 Charite in situ, posterolateral gutter fusion
2008 Caudal injections. Prolapse L2/L3 found
2007 L5/S1 Facet deterioration, Loss of disc height.
2002 March - ADR Charite - L4/5, L5/S1
2000 Broadbased disc prolapses L4/5, L5/S1
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Old 01-24-2007, 10:12 AM
livjoyful livjoyful is offline
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I was not a candidte for fusion because it would to much pressure on my other disc. I also had bulging and degenerated l4/5...and no disc left at l5/s1. Same as you, i assume it is the same reason why fusion is not an option. I had my l5/s1 replaced and l4/5 fixed during surgery and i will now get about 5-10 years from my l4/5 i am told.
Classic Zippo...message me, because i had my surgery done by Dr. Gurr in London ON. He has been doping it for more than 10 years there. It is approved and not experimental with him. I'd love to hear your experience and help any way i can to help you get this done.
Have a great day everyone.
Charite 111 L5 S1 May 4th 2006
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Old 01-30-2007, 11:30 AM
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Eddie_G Eddie_G is offline
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They tried pushing fusion on me but I refused and found ADR friendly doctors to satisfy my insurance company.
ADR is not considered experimental. The insurance adjusters first reaction is to deny you until you put up enough stink to make them pay for it. It's in the insurance company's best interest to wear you down and get you to accept what THEY want you to accept. They are not looking out for your best interests so they must be considered the enemy as you fight for your life with them.
12/16/03 Work Accident
Herniation and DDD at L4-L5
4/1/05 Discectomy
Epidurals and facet injections
5/15/06 Discogram confirmed L4-L5 DDD also an asymptomatic L5-S1 tear
10/24/06 L4-L5 Prodisc surgery with Dr. Goldstein
CAT scans & X-Rays show ossification
Trigger Point Injections, Medial Branch Blocks, Acupuncture, Weekly Deep Tissue Massage
10/27/08 Discogram (positive L5-S1 tear)
11/25/08 L5-S1 fusion with Dr. Goldstein
Liberty Mutual WC
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Old 01-30-2007, 11:50 AM
ClassicZippo ClassicZippo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 71

Hi Eddie
I am in Ontario,Canada.I was hurt on the job as well;I was assaulted by a patient.We have universal health care, so insurance isn't the issue.I am simply not anyone's priorty according to my g.p. It would seem worker's comp. is against the worker as well,no matter what the circumstances and evidence of injury there may be.I have decided to take control of my health and go to Germany to have my back fixed. I want my life back and both the healthcare system and WSIB can go to H*LL.
wedge compression #L1 1989 - assaulted by patient at work
Herniation L4-L5,L5-S1
the usual... myelograms,MRI's,CT scans,xrays,EMG
epidural blocks
facet injections
"serious degeneration" L1-L2
Discogram - L1 - S1 -discogenic with L3/4,L4/5
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