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Old 03-21-2007, 09:16 AM
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CindyLou CindyLou is offline
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Hey all, I think my biggest worry about my upcoming surgery is if a certain pain is coming from my back or hip. I did have hip arthroscopy a yr ago from torn labrum, and rehabbed seemed to be getting better... range of motion, less pain, etc. But about 6 months into it, my back pain really kicked in again, right cheek burning and wrapping around right hip and into groin, down front of thigh. Suddenly, the back injections, rhizotomies were not giving me any relief. I demanded another MRI with contrast from my hip doc, and an x-ray. The hip looks great on film. Doesn't appear to be culprit. The MRI and discogram my back doc ordered seemed to blame the back as the culprit. I definitely got concurant pain in my butt and right hip during it. A big 10. My gait is certainly off. So to confuse things, I routinely have trochanteric bursitus, which hip doc thinks is secondary, coming from back, and poor gait. What muscle/ligament is it that would make right groin and right hip so tight, that when I try to stretch it the pain goes from groin around to outside of right knee? Is that my IT band? Now my good knee hurts too...all of this bumming me out big time. I am normally extremely fit, live to move, and now 5 minutes on the treadmill really hurts. If this adr does not address this right hip/groin pain, I think I'll jump off a cliff. I should mention my hamstrings stay extremely tight too. Any suggestions how to loosen groin tightness w/o pain from knee? Sorry this is so long. I'm just tired of pain and feeling like a slug. Thanks you guys, Cindy
bicycle accident 6/19/01
2 compression fractures, T12, L1;
vertibroplasty @ above levels, 9/15/01
4/06 hip labral tear repair
4/07 Lumbar ProDisc replacement by Dr. B., 3 levels; L3-6
7/2/08 ALIF of L6-S1
7/30/08 Removed bone cement.
8/7/08 Diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, double pneumonia, collapsed left lung, pleurisy, pleural effusion.
3/10/09 right SI Joint Fusion; seeing light at end of tunnel, for first time in 8 years!!
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Old 03-21-2007, 11:18 AM
LBP LBP is offline
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sounds like you need some PT. I'm not one but I have continued many of the exercises I learned from PT and my foam roller and exercise ball are priceless to me. There are definitly things you can do. the sciatic and other nerves from the lumbar region are most likely tightening all your muscles and joints. You probably need PT exercises and specific trigger point release and deep tissue massage. that is what helps me get by.

The nerves from lumbar really affect muscle groups all over. here are a few pages I looked at to understand things. I also got myself an atlas of human anatomy to picture things better.

I also found at a med sch book store a cd the shows the innervation of muscles and how they move. It was called The Body in Motion. It's not necessary to have but I wanted more info to better understand how everything worked tog. For more info you can go to:
Injured 9/01
Annular tears L4/5 & L5/S1
denied adr by insurance for 2 level charite as well as hybrid fusion at L5/S1 with Charite at L4/5.

New ins paid for 2 level lumbar prodisc surgery on 4/7/08 (at age 39) with Dr. Westerlund, at Core Orthop
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Old 03-21-2007, 05:35 PM
Grizz Grizz is offline
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My symptoms prior to having ADR were somewhat similar to yours. In my case I had so called psuedo-radicular pain slowly run from my butt down into the outside of my thigh then down to the outside of my calf and eventually the bottom of my foot. I started to have hip issues about the time the pain moved below my knee. They call it psuedo-radicular pain because the source of the pain is the degenerating disk. Tears in the annular fibers of the disk allow some of the softer inner material from the nucleus to come in contact with the nerve root. The proteins from the nuclear material are poision to nerve root. They cause the nerve to get highly irratated which of course causes the muscles in the leg to not fire normally. The body then uses other muscles to walk, ride a bike, or whatever movement you need to do. Those muscles are not meant to be used as the primary muscles to get your movements accomplished. They attach to the trocanter and either have too much force put on them or pull at the wrong angle which causes pain and swelling or as they say "trochanter bursitis".

My hip problems cleared up after I had a microdiscectomy 06-2005 (I would not recommed a microdisectomy to anyone). They returned shortly after I was rear ended in an auto accident. They would clear up for a few weeks after a steroid injection into my spine, but always return. My ADR was just done 01-12-2007, but I have had no hip problems to date. Cycling used to be a sure fired way to inflict major hip pain everytime I rode. Tuesday I rode 17 miles without any hip pain at all. Last Fall my gait would have been off for a day or two after that kind of ride. Good luck.

06-2005 / microdisectomy L4-L5
09-2005 / car wreck and return of pain
11-2006 / recurrent disk rupture L4-L5 causing
near total disability
01-12-2007 / ADR L4-L5 and currently am
recovering fine

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Old 03-21-2007, 05:38 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Hey Cindy,

When you get a chance, please create a signature to help us help you. I’ll respond to a few of your questions and chime back in later.

I’d like to see clinics devote serious resources to gait analysis; it’s something I felt strongly about for three years. Trained clinicians with the right tools (cameras, software related apparatus) can do incredible diagnostic assessments on patients – not to mention benchmarking for pre and post-operative comparisons! In the U.S., insurance hurdles are preventing this technology from making its way into the healthcare arena (surprise!).

The natural kinetics of the sacrum is often overlooked, even in this forum. It’s a shame, as it is a critical “base” for the entire spine – and body. Case in point, did you see the article I posted a few hours ago? See:

Hip Replacement & Low Back Pain

(You know the song…”knee bone connected to the…thigh bone!” )

If you have questions about trigger points (I dare say “most” people have them), check out this FAQ:

What are trigger points?

And this topic featured in the Big Bucket:
Books for Spine Patients
See stretching / trigger points…

Lastly, I’ve used the Theracane for trigger point work (please search) in the past with good results. As well, learning how to stretch your hamstrings and glutes can significantly help, as well as saunas/Jacuzzis. Lots to discuss here with this important and complex issue.

There’s more, but I must go. Email or call with questions.

Grizz, LBP; thanks for posting.
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:37 PM
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CindyLou CindyLou is offline
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Thank-you all for your insight and suggestions. Harrison, I did read your posting earlier about hip replacement and spine correlation. Makes perfect sense. I do have a signature...I just left it off my last post. Grizz, especially what you said made sense about certain muscles doing work they were not made for. That's exactly how my body feels. Tugging and pulling itself all in the wrong direction. I want to stay "up" for this surgery, but it is hard knowing it's going to be worse and more painful, before it gets better. Especially that post by the fellow (sorry can't remember the name) who is just now contemplating going back to work 5 months post-op. Is that within "normal" rehab range for a 2 or 3 level? Everyone's recovery seems all over the map. That's scaring me. I'm going to go stretch now.
bicycle accident 6/19/01
2 compression fractures, T12, L1;
vertibroplasty @ above levels, 9/15/01
4/06 hip labral tear repair
4/07 Lumbar ProDisc replacement by Dr. B., 3 levels; L3-6
7/2/08 ALIF of L6-S1
7/30/08 Removed bone cement.
8/7/08 Diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, double pneumonia, collapsed left lung, pleurisy, pleural effusion.
3/10/09 right SI Joint Fusion; seeing light at end of tunnel, for first time in 8 years!!
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Old 03-22-2007, 04:24 PM
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CindyLou CindyLou is offline
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I made an appt for trigger point massage on Saturday. Maybe it will allow some relief. I'm also wondering if my pain meds are strong enough or if my body has just acclimated to them. I am taking the Oxycodone, small, orange round tablet, a 5 mg. It does not have the acetaminophen in it. I've been taking two, 4 times a day, but it doesn't feel like I am getting the relief I once was. I also take flexeril prn. I have 3 more weeks till I leave for Straubing...I hate to up my meds before surgery, but it doesn't feel like it's doing hardly anything to relieve pain. 3 weeks is a long time. Any advice? Thanks. Cindy
bicycle accident 6/19/01
2 compression fractures, T12, L1;
vertibroplasty @ above levels, 9/15/01
4/06 hip labral tear repair
4/07 Lumbar ProDisc replacement by Dr. B., 3 levels; L3-6
7/2/08 ALIF of L6-S1
7/30/08 Removed bone cement.
8/7/08 Diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, double pneumonia, collapsed left lung, pleurisy, pleural effusion.
3/10/09 right SI Joint Fusion; seeing light at end of tunnel, for first time in 8 years!!
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Old 03-22-2007, 05:31 PM
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Lyndsay Lyndsay is offline
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Hi Cindy

I too had these problems with bursitis in my hips pre-ADR with the pain radiating down & giving my legs & especially my knee's hell!! I did have a steroid into the hip that seemed the worst ~ they wouldn't inject both but I can't say it made a huge difference. It may not be what you want to hear but for me, the ADR hasn't changed anything I had physio today & am currently doing a gymball course but had to bow out half way through as I just couldn't cope with the pain any more Also at the moment, in addition to the hips, I'm really struggling with pain in my sacrum, it's agony & even sitting on the gymball which is normally really comfortable, at the moment just seems to fire it up like a chair does.

I hope that you can get some relief & soon. Good luck with your surgery
Lyndsay x

37 years old
L4/L5 - L5/S1 DDD
L5/S1 Annular Tear
End Stage Facet Joint Arthritis
Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
15 Nov 06 ~ Prodisc ADR at L5/S1
Need a revision but not a surgeon in the UK will (or can?) remove a Prodisc!!
Prodisc has ruined my life
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