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Old 02-10-2013, 05:03 PM
emibernal emibernal is offline
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Default A lot of doubts ADR m6L

My name is Emilio and I live in Barcelona (Spain). I am 52 years old and a history of 17 years of back pain. Sorry for my basic English .....

I started in 1996 with contractures in the pelvis muscles and lumbar pain. The piriformis muscle had trapped sciatic nerve and I was infiltrated several times to try to free him. I was the same for a year and a half. The x-ray was not much data. They put a foundation back but only reduce pain. Three years of manual therapies: Osteopathy,physiotherapy, Global Postural Reeducation (RPG) with minimal results.

Through radiography told me that I had a major osteoporosis. I make my first densitometry and are -2.96. Several treatments: Fosamax, Calcitonin, risedronate and intravenous pamidronate without results and little tolerance. The last treatment was strontium ranelate (Protelos) with good response. In the year 2010 down to -1.5 (osteopenia).

Meanwhile, in 1998, at resonance no nothing. The first result in MRI at 2006: facet arthrosis L4-L5-S1 dealing with infiltrations, but negative. While anti-pain medications and tested with antidepressant without result.

In September 2011, after another resonance witch facet arthrosis positive. Infiltrate me again L4-L5-S1 without result. In January 2012 I make a rizolis of L4-L5-S1 without result.

Consulted a neurosurgeon who says I have to be much worse to put an interspinous spacer. He recommended ozone treatment. I did it for 4 months (ozone infiltration in paravertebral muscles and ozone in blood). Only get more energy level as during many years of chronic pain was always very tired.

I consulted a rheumatologist and proposes Rich Plasma Platelet Treatment (PRP) after telling me that the problem was in a black disc at L4-L5. He said to me that if the teatment is ok, then could prove with stem cells. Three and half months ago I infiltrated L4-L5-S1 with PRP and the truth is I'm much worse. A month ago it has complemented treatment with cortisone injections. No improvement and I was desperate.

I have consulted in January 2013 to neurosurgeon Dr. Clavel who immediately saw in the resonance has seen a year and a half ago, the problem is L4-L5, because there is a broken ring disc. His solution to the problem is a prosthesis M6. The truth is that it leaves you very relieved but also with many questions ...... I have to make a new MRI to see if there have been changes in other discs and return. Next week I also will do a bone density test to control the medication, but also I will do to see if the prosthesis is feasible.


12/1995 Piriformis sciatica
01/1996 Radiography + lumbosacral corse
02/1996 Osteopath, Chiropractor, postural reeducation (RPG)
12/1996 Osteoporosis (-2.96)
03/1998 MRI - Negative
07/2007 facet arthrosis L4-L5-S1
10/2007 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
10/2010 Osteopenia (-1.5)
11/2011 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
01/2012 rhizolysis L4-L5-S1 negative
04/2012 Ozone paravertebral muscles + Blood
10/2012 PRP L4-L5-S1 negative
02/2013 Visit Dr. Clavel: Recommends ADR at L4-L5
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Old 02-10-2013, 09:13 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Emilio, your English is excellent, thanks for joining and sharing. I am sure others are interested in your experiences, sharing theirs and doing their best to support you in your journey. I'd like to comment but will do so later.

Hablaremos más tarde..
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
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Old 02-11-2013, 12:46 AM
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jss jss is offline
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Condolences on your spine problems. Hoping you get relief soon.

My understanding is that osteoporosis is a strong contraindication for ADR. If Dr Clavel is aware of that condition, I'm very surprised that he's prescribing ADR. He is aware of your osteoporosis?

If you turn out to be a candidate for ADR and are uneasy with the M6, (as it's so new I certainly understand your uneasiness), there are several other lumbar ADR's with longer service records.

Good luck, Jeff
C4/5 - ACDF in 2000
C5/6 - ACDF in 2002
C3/4 & C6/7 - M6 ADR, Nov 2009, Barcelona
Conceded defeat to a manifestly disingenuous BCBS-TX in my quest for reimbursement, Jan 2011
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Old 02-11-2013, 07:03 AM
emibernal emibernal is offline
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Hello Jeff,

Thanks for your quick response,

In my only one visit to Dr. Clavel, he asked to me what medications I had. I replied that to years ago I finished osteoporosis medication (Protelos) and now I am thinking about he understood that there is no osteoporosis now...... Really to years ago I stoped the medication prescribed by the rheumatologist because osteoporosis level go down to osteopenia (-1,5) and protelos needed a break.
This week I will have a bone density test and a MRI. With this I will return to Dr. Clavel consultory and obtain a lot of answers I need:

- Osteopenia level that is acceptable to M6L ADR.
- Support facet arthosis???
- What appends if there is a problem with ADR???? Is possible fusion then????


12/1995 Piriformis sciatica
01/1996 Radiography + lumbosacral corse
02/1996 Osteopath, Chiropractor, postural reeducation (RPG)
12/1996 Osteoporosis (-2.96)
03/1998 MRI - Negative
07/2007 facet arthrosis L4-L5-S1
10/2007 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
10/2010 Osteopenia (-1.5)
11/2011 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
01/2012 rhizolysis L4-L5-S1 negative
04/2012 Ozone paravertebral muscles + Blood
10/2012 PRP L4-L5-S1 negative
02/2013 Visit Dr. Clavel: Recommends ADR at L4-L5
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Old 02-11-2013, 10:29 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Please take some time to review this multi-page topic, there is a lot of useful information there:

A DEXA scan would be a good measure for you...
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:05 AM
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Lillyth Lillyth is offline
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The first thing that jumps out at me Emilio is that you are only 52 years old and have been on Fosamax. There is no WAY anyone your age should be on that. The very first thing that comes to mind is you may be celico (in Espanol). You should get tested, the first thing Stanford (a prominent clinic here in the US) does to someone your age having problems that would require Fosamax is test for celiac. Osteoperosis in someone as young as you is an almost 100% indicator for celiac. Luckily, it is easy to deal with where you are. I would get tested for celiac FIRST. If you have that and you are still eating gluten, your body will not heal properly because you are not absorbing enough nutrients to send to your bones.

Second, Dr. Clavel can always take out the M6 if there is a problem and put in a new one. Fusion is not necessarily the only other option.

Third, I agree. Your English is excellent. I am trying to learn Spanish before heading to Barcelona next month. If I am a TENTH as good as your English, I will be happy.
Multiple traumas to spine starting age 13.
1st American to have 6 ADR's in one surgery. C3-4 - C/7, & L5-S1 - L3-4.
Surgery w/ Dr. Clavel, 3/18/13, M6.
Before surgery: severe spinal stenosis C5/C6 (cord "flattened" per stateside doc), + for Hoffman's & Babinsky's.
At time of surgery: 5 yrs MAX before ending up in wheelchair.
Clavel found L5-S1 partially fused. Had to cut it apart to put in M6.
Please excuse brevity - SEVERE carpel tunnel.
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Old 02-13-2013, 08:40 AM
emibernal emibernal is offline
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Hello lilith,

I will take your consideration about take a celliac test. In fact, I was included since i was 35 years old in a special group of youngs males having osteoporosis.......Its not normal....Special rheumatologits studied my case and they didn't found any origin.
Tomorrow I will have a dexa scan bone density and I will coment with Dr. Clavel


12/1995 Piriformis sciatica
01/1996 Radiography + lumbosacral corse
02/1996 Osteopath, Chiropractor, postural reeducation (RPG)
12/1996 Osteoporosis (-2.96)
03/1998 MRI - Negative
07/2007 facet arthrosis L4-L5-S1
10/2007 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
10/2010 Osteopenia (-1.5)
11/2011 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
01/2012 rhizolysis L4-L5-S1 negative
04/2012 Ozone paravertebral muscles + Blood
10/2012 PRP L4-L5-S1 negative
02/2013 Visit Dr. Clavel: Recommends ADR at L4-L5
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Old 02-13-2013, 09:16 PM
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Lillyth Lillyth is offline
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Wait. You were THIRTY-FIVE when you developed osteoporosis?!?!?! It's GOT to be celiac. Nothing I've ever heard of other than than celiac causes that. And even then, forty-five is considered young. Is Spain one of the countries that gives you a subsidy for being celiac because the food is more expensive? Because if not, it is just easier to cut gluten out and see how you feel. They can do a blood test or an endoscopy, but the blood test is notorious for false negatives. My own son got a false negative. The endoscopy process is a long one though. It is an 18 month process with retests at every six months, going off gluten, then on gluten, then off again. Most people don't make it through the process because they end up getting too sick from the gluten. Do you by any chance have any rashes anywhere on your body?
Multiple traumas to spine starting age 13.
1st American to have 6 ADR's in one surgery. C3-4 - C/7, & L5-S1 - L3-4.
Surgery w/ Dr. Clavel, 3/18/13, M6.
Before surgery: severe spinal stenosis C5/C6 (cord "flattened" per stateside doc), + for Hoffman's & Babinsky's.
At time of surgery: 5 yrs MAX before ending up in wheelchair.
Clavel found L5-S1 partially fused. Had to cut it apart to put in M6.
Please excuse brevity - SEVERE carpel tunnel.
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Old 02-15-2013, 05:09 PM
emibernal emibernal is offline
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I haven't rashes anywhere..... One naturopath doctor say to my this morning, you haven't celliac symptoms like diarrhea or mouth sores.....
In Spain there is no subvencions to celliac persons...

12/1995 Piriformis sciatica
01/1996 Radiography + lumbosacral corse
02/1996 Osteopath, Chiropractor, postural reeducation (RPG)
12/1996 Osteoporosis (-2.96)
03/1998 MRI - Negative
07/2007 facet arthrosis L4-L5-S1
10/2007 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
10/2010 Osteopenia (-1.5)
11/2011 Infiltration facet L4-L5-S1 negative
01/2012 rhizolysis L4-L5-S1 negative
04/2012 Ozone paravertebral muscles + Blood
10/2012 PRP L4-L5-S1 negative
02/2013 Visit Dr. Clavel: Recommends ADR at L4-L5
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Old 02-15-2013, 06:02 PM
annapurna annapurna is offline
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I've just recently figured out that I suffer from a degree of celiac. I've never had the gi distress, mouth sores, etc and was, in fact, tested for allergies nearly forty years ago with no signs of celiac problems at that time. One suggestion is to go about two weeks or so trying to get your carbohydrates from non-gluten sources and see how you feel. That might not be long enough for you to feel better, if you are indeed celiac, but it should be enough for you to feel different. If you eat well and don't feel different, you probably aren't suffering from celiac. If your body seems to change, you very well might be.
Laura - L5S1 Charitee
C5/6 and 6/7 Prodisc C
Facet problems L4-S1
General joint hypermobility

Jim - C4/5, C5/6, L4/5 disk bulges and facet damage, L4/5 disk tears, currently using regenerative medicine to address

"There are many Annapurnas in the lives of men" Maurice Herzog
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