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Old 05-22-2015, 12:16 PM
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Arrow Low Testosterone Causing Joint Pain?

While I wait for the surgeons to get back with me with my diagnosis, I thought I'd open another topic that is of interest to me because my hormones pretty much flat lined 5 years ago. Some of that was to be expected because of my age and being a woman BUT, it has caused many undesirable symptoms and recently, I wondered if the drugs played a part in it. So, as women do, when the problems all started, I discussed this with my primary care who gave me some prescriptions and then later sent me to a Gynecologist. Out of frustration with the Gynecologist who wanted to put me on antidepressants to manage my symptoms (that just pissed me off because it seems we live in an antidepressants for everything age,) I went to a wonderful naturopathic doctor who was not covered by my insurance but, seeing her got expensive so, I wasn't very good at following up. Since January though, I've been focusing on my health on all fronts and addressing my hormones again was on my list of things to do.

The doctor I'm seeing recently is an Endocronologist. I sure wish I'd been referred to her 5 years ago! It was just a fluke that I got sent to her because I had something suspect that showed up on a thyroid ultra sound. Fortunately, my thyroid is just great but, now I finally have a really great doctor on my "Team" who specializes in hormones AND is covered by my insurance. It's so easy when in chronic pain to blame everything on the spine since the attempts at pain management sort of take over your life. Balancing hormones can take time because it requires blood work every few months and several f/u doctor appointments until you feel better. I've found that keeping my hormones balanced is an ongoing process that I have to pay attention to and not just ignore because I'm in pain. Now, I'm more motivated because I learned of the link between hormones and pain! I'm surprised that no doctor has drawn this conclusion and brought it up to me!

So, this post is an FYI to women about the benefits of seeing an Endocronologist and also informational for men too.

I found many articles linking opiate use to low testosterone. Here's one of them. Magaziner Center for Wellnesspainkillers and low testosterone � Magaziner Center for Wellness

I found other articles linking low testosterone to causing joint pain. Here's one of them: Joint Pain: Is Low Testosterone the Cause?

How much pain we feel is very individual based on many things. Since I can't stop the opiates just yet, I am going to start bioidenticals again with the hope that my testosterone levels will go up and my pain levels will go down! Make sense?
2006: epidural shots did nothing; 2 surgeons recommended 2 level fusion, I declined.
2007 - 2010 4 foraminotomy and cord decompression cervical surgeries and 2 endoscopic discectomy T7-T8 surgeries; total 6 with Dr. Jho (Pittsburgh,PA) My C6/C7 autofused around 2009.
2013 - 2015: epidurals 3 times (again did nothing) and 4 Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) procedures.
2016 more RFAs, hit the 10 year mark of this insanity and pain, 3 level M6-C ADR with Dr. Clavel May 19, 2016
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Old 05-26-2015, 03:47 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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I was low T a year ago. Been self injecting T for a year now. I love it. Very neurogenic but also has side benefit of reshaping body's lean/fat ratio.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 05-26-2015, 04:10 PM
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Cynlite Cynlite is offline
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Glad it's helping you out Drew! It's good for men and women too provided we stay monitored by out doctors. Side effects include cancer, hair loss and blood clots

I just started using a T cream on a daily basis a few days ago. Since my body has gone all to hell in the last 5 years because of inactivity and menopause, I'm hoping it will help me too. I am in pain and exhausted all the time no matter how much sleep I get. I'm so hoping this will give me a boost and bring my pain levels down a notch so I can start moving again!
2006: epidural shots did nothing; 2 surgeons recommended 2 level fusion, I declined.
2007 - 2010 4 foraminotomy and cord decompression cervical surgeries and 2 endoscopic discectomy T7-T8 surgeries; total 6 with Dr. Jho (Pittsburgh,PA) My C6/C7 autofused around 2009.
2013 - 2015: epidurals 3 times (again did nothing) and 4 Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) procedures.
2016 more RFAs, hit the 10 year mark of this insanity and pain, 3 level M6-C ADR with Dr. Clavel May 19, 2016
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Old 05-26-2015, 07:31 PM
bwink23 bwink23 is offline
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A very simple solution i have learned from a reputable forum is to take Clomid at 25mg for 3 months. This is an answer to males with low sperm count, but also increases testosterone in your system. I am not sure what kind of effect it would have on women, but i know posters who's before and after bloodwork showed their free test levels double (those on the low side) without little to no effect on the estrogen levels. It's actually a very cheap solution to low test issues with virtually no side effects whatsoever.
2013 - MRI and CT scan....DDD L4-S1
left side (where my pain is) interarticularis pars fracture/defect with Spondylolithesis L5 over S1 with 2MM anterior displacement

Feb. 2014 - Hybrid lumbar fusion(l5/S1), ADR(L4/L5)...2-level cervical ADR (C5/C6, C6/C7). Dr. Pablo Clavel of Quiron Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. All M6 implants (PEEK cage and plate from Medtronic at fusion level in lumbar.) SAME DAY OPERATION for both areas of the spine.
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