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Old 08-21-2006, 02:42 PM
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Lyndsay Lyndsay is offline
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Thought I'd just say "hello"

I have DDD with Facet Joint Arthritis & some suspected nerve damage.

As my old Consultant has not been at all helpful & is now retiring, I'm currently waiting for an appointment to go & see one of the consultants at the Spinal Unit at QMC Nottingham. I have insurance so hopefully won't have to wait for too long.

At the moment I'd having a really bad time with my back & am not able to manage my pain. My GP has been more than useless but I've found a new surgery in the village who tell me that one of their GP's main interests is Ortho so hopefully he might take me seriously. From past bad experiences I don't have a lot of faith in the medical profession

I regularly see a McTimoney Chiropractor & tomorrow I'm going for some accupunture to try & get some pain relief.

I'm really interested in learning about ADR after twice seeing the operation on BBC's City Hospital programme. I have lots of questions I suppose & worries too. I want, like anyone, to lead a pain free life but I wonder if I'm just asking too much? The concern over the op for me really is the recovery.

I'll stop writing for now or else I'll digress & ramble

Thank you for the informative forum, I look forward to chatting with you & learning more
Lyndsay x

37 years old
L4/L5 - L5/S1 DDD
L5/S1 Annular Tear
End Stage Facet Joint Arthritis
Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
15 Nov 06 ~ Prodisc ADR at L5/S1
Need a revision but not a surgeon in the UK will (or can?) remove a Prodisc!!
Prodisc has ruined my life
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Old 08-21-2006, 05:22 PM
ans ans is offline
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Alastair lives in the UK and is keenly tapped into the best surgeons (e.g. Dr. Lam). I hope that you have had an MRI at least. Many people here are very cautious about getting adjusted or having traction by a chiropractor if there are underlying spinal conditions.

A. w/find you or you can send him a PM. He's helpful.

If you have had an MRI, it'd be helpful if you put relevant information (also from flexion x-rays or a discogram) in your signature so people can more definitively see what's up).

You're at the right place and good luck. ~ ans
Severe, extensive DDD, considered inoperable by Dr. Regan, Lauressen, & some guy at UCLA. Severe foraminal stenosis (guess they can't operate!) and some spinal cord compression that Lauryssen would fix if gets outta hand.
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Old 08-22-2006, 12:47 AM
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Thany you ans

I've edited my signature the best that I can remember so I hope that it's ok for now

I have to say, the Chiropractor I see is the McTimoney type who are some what more gentle than other Chiro's & Osteo's I've seen. She has always been very good & helpful. Last time I was in hospital was because of her insistence to my GP that she was sure something was very badly wrong (& she was right).

However, last time I saw her, 2 weeks ago, for the first time ever, I have been worse She caught a disc in the middle of my back, when it caught it felt like she'd spun in, as you would a spinning top. I know that may sound odd but I don't know how else to describe it.

At the moment I'm having a lot of very similar symptoms that I got when I had a disc herniate/rupture, 4 years ago. Sadly my GP isn't at all interested & until he gets a letter to QMC, I also no longer have a Spinal Consultant.

I'm booked in for some accupunture this afternoon so hopefully that may ease things as well.

Thanks again
Lyndsay x

37 years old
L4/L5 - L5/S1 DDD
L5/S1 Annular Tear
End Stage Facet Joint Arthritis
Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
15 Nov 06 ~ Prodisc ADR at L5/S1
Need a revision but not a surgeon in the UK will (or can?) remove a Prodisc!!
Prodisc has ruined my life
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Old 08-22-2006, 02:02 AM
tmont tmont is offline
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Welcome Lyndsay

Sir A is your best bet for UK help; he's been around the block a few times and works for Yorkshire pudding

So sorry you 'need' to be here on this forum, but very happy to scootch over and make room for you on our couch!

Wishing you all the best in your quest for solutions--

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Old 08-22-2006, 02:50 AM
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I know I'm replying to myself here but thought I would just add.

My Chiro has just called me back, I told her how bad I've been along with symptoms & she is sure that I have another herniation She said all I can do at the moment is carry on what I am doing (conventional & alternative medicines) & await an appointment to see a specialist.

I know this is true but I'm just really fed up. I know there are others far worse off but even knowing that my pain won't clear off. I'll desribe my symptoms the best I can & then if anyone has any suggestions I'll gladly listen Right in the middle of my back, it would be thoracic, I've had this "spinning" disc. The area around it was quite hot & swollen, the swelling has now reduced but is still very painful. Below here, in the lumber area, my back is so very painful, very stiff at times, especially when I first wake, if I move even slightly wrong, the smarting pain makes me feel sick & as if I'm going to pass out. I have pain radiating down both of my legs which ends in tingling in my toes. I'm totally exhausted & am finding it a struggle to do anything.

When I saw my GP yesterday, he wasn't at all interested but agreed in me asking to be referred & told me to just keep taking the painkillers. He couldn't tell me who I would be referred to as it's not a very local hospital ~ I asked to go there as I think it's the nearest to us with a dedicated spinal unit.

There you go, my moan for the day!! If anyone has any further suggestions then I'd be grateful
Lyndsay x

37 years old
L4/L5 - L5/S1 DDD
L5/S1 Annular Tear
End Stage Facet Joint Arthritis
Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
15 Nov 06 ~ Prodisc ADR at L5/S1
Need a revision but not a surgeon in the UK will (or can?) remove a Prodisc!!
Prodisc has ruined my life
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Old 08-22-2006, 04:33 AM
hucky hucky is offline
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Hi Lyndsey

Welcome to the forum (it's a shame you had to join us this way ).

Perhaps you would get a referral sooner if you went to your local casualty/emergency room.

Hopefully Alistair will see this post soon and be able to lead the way for you.

Take care

MVA April 2003
Xray shows bulge on C6/7 and L5/S1 - put down to my natural aging.
CT shows bulge
Treated for whiplash, PT, Accupuncture, Massage symptoms predominatly on left hand side. No relief.
Aug 04 C6/7 ruptures. MRI shows no deteriorat
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Old 08-22-2006, 05:00 AM
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Lyndsay Lyndsay is offline
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Thanks Hucky

I tried that once with my knee, went to the ER at the hospital where the Specialist was based ~ didn't make any difference at all My local hospital is more than useless which is why I've asked for a referal out of the area.

Thanks again

Well I've been for some accupuncture & I'm suprised how it has made me feel, a very weird feeling although not a bad one!

One thing the guy did comment on was that he thought there was a lot of swelling around the L2-3 disc area & also agreed that should I get really bad then I should go to the ER for them to see.

Has anyone else used accupuncture for pain? If so, how did you get on?

If I'm feeling ok on Thursday then I'm booked in for another session on Friday otherwise in a couple of weeks time to give things more of a chance to settle down.

Thanks again
Lyndsay x

37 years old
L4/L5 - L5/S1 DDD
L5/S1 Annular Tear
End Stage Facet Joint Arthritis
Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
15 Nov 06 ~ Prodisc ADR at L5/S1
Need a revision but not a surgeon in the UK will (or can?) remove a Prodisc!!
Prodisc has ruined my life
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Old 08-22-2006, 02:08 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Hi Lyndsay,

Welcome to our global community! To address one of your questions, some folks here have had good luck with accupuncture. Like so many other situations, it depends on your condition, the skill of the accupuncturist, number of treatments.

In the mean time, have you considered "all the other" things that may provide some help? E.g.,

- traction (ranging from yoga, PT applied traction, hanging from a bar...)

- natural anti-inflammatories

- core conditioning & deep breathing (out with the old, in with the new...)

- massage (massage school discounts?)

The important thing is to never stop searching for a relief for your pain! Keep up the research ; I also encourage you to manually go through all the posts in each forum (there's a lot) and feel free to private message people too. Most everyone will reply -- it's the biggest and most helpful family on the Internet!!!

"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
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Old 08-22-2006, 02:30 PM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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I have sent Lindsey a PM
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
Your best asset is your health
My story is here
Thank goodness for Dr Zeegers I am painfree
I am here to help,I live in the UK

I now run the UK spine site and can be contacted at
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Old 08-22-2006, 02:51 PM
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Lyndsay Lyndsay is offline
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Hi Harrison & thanks for your reply

I am slowly working my way through the forum, as you say there is a lot to read!

I'll try to list the things I've tried over the years but it is probably not exhaustive of everything

Traction = made me 10 times worse & resulted in me being admitted to hospital

Osteopathy & Normal Chiropractic = too severe a treatment (not sure if that makes sense?)

Kineseology = No difference

Hydrotherapy = reasonably helpful but hard to get on a regular basis here

Physiotherapy = ok with certain exercises at certain times, think they've now given up on me

Homeopathy = treatments as & when

Massage = when bad I'm too sensitive to touch

Natural Anti-inflams = no difference

I've been going to see a McTimoney Chiro & her Sports Therapy Physio husband, on & off for the last nearly 5 years & they have both been the most beneficial to me most of the time.

Today was the first time I've had accupuncture on my back & at the moment, nearly 8 hours on, I don't feel so bad (still don't feel brilliant either but hey-ho!!)

I got chatting to someone earlier who is a retired nurse, as she said to me, all I've been doing & still am doing is trying to treat the symptoms when I should be trying to treat the cause. She also recommended a new GP & Specialist! Of course I know she's right & the wheels are now in motion but sadly, even privately, I will no doubt have a fair wait.

Seeing what I've written down, I feel a bit of a lost cause!!

It's now nearly 9 years since my original accident & I still feel no further on Maybe now I've found this forum things will change as I learn more

Anyway, I'm rambling!! Thanks again
Lyndsay x

37 years old
L4/L5 - L5/S1 DDD
L5/S1 Annular Tear
End Stage Facet Joint Arthritis
Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
15 Nov 06 ~ Prodisc ADR at L5/S1
Need a revision but not a surgeon in the UK will (or can?) remove a Prodisc!!
Prodisc has ruined my life
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