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Old 04-09-2014, 07:13 AM
phillyjoe phillyjoe is offline
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No, certainly not suuggesting that-only asking. As you or others have said, there are many roads to the same end destination. I would add, that having the best driver is likely more important.

The prodisc was an improvement over then existing technology- it would be impractical for one of its inventors to not have it as his weapon of choice. If he walked away from it, wouldnt all docs? The m6, now seems to be an improvement over prodisc's perceived short comings. It all comes down to how long each of us can wait for the next best thing or newly discovered drawbacks to existing devices. A bit like when to buy a new laptop! As critical as disc decision is,at some point, we have to pull the trigger.
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Old 04-09-2014, 01:57 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Dr. C had unscheduled leave to Valencia. Then Easter break. My call pushed back to April 24th. Hey, at least I should have my metal allergy test results back by then.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 04-10-2014, 02:28 AM
Stonewall_Boris Stonewall_Boris is offline
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Default @phillyjoe

That was a great post and hit home.
Do you go with the driver or do you go with, I assume, the car?
The driver being the doctor, the car being the disc.
Very good question.
And I do believe the technology will only get better. But as you say, how long can anyone wait. From some posts here; 3 d printing discs as a possibilty, my personal favorite is stem cells. But both technologies are beyond my reach. I'm happy to get my back fixed and get back to life with ADR.
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Old 04-10-2014, 01:15 PM
phillyjoe phillyjoe is offline
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The road being the disc----but you have the right idea. I am looking toward biersedt myself.
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Old 04-18-2014, 01:38 PM
Optimistic Optimistic is offline
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I had an EMG test performed yesterday. The neurologist informed me that while the results were "normal", my neurosurgeon will interpret the data and provide some additional input when I see him next (early May).

BTW, there are two parts of the test. In the first, the technician attaches electrodes to different parts of my legs and stimulates by adding electric current. The second part is where the needles are inserted by the neurologist, without stimulation, and he records the signals under different conditions.

While I generally do not like needles and am quite phobic of them, I found I jumped more from the electrical stimulation where the intensity of the stimulation was consistently increased. I'm certain that I was not the easiest patient.

I was initially told by the doctor that the test will be able to identify the particular nerve root (L3, L4, L5), the chronicity of the problem (whether it is old or new) as well as other useful info (potential recovery). I really don't know yet whether the test provided any info other than to cause pain. And still I have pain/weakness in my legs and back and I know that there is some nerve decompression.

I understand you have a consult with Dr. C next Thu, Apr.24th. Coincidentally, I do to. Are you also paying for the consult? I feel that it is worth it as I am down to the final strokes in making a decision. The last neurosurgeon I met with here advised me that I have a 70% chance of success with fusion. If, I experience a failure (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome or FBSS), the only recourse is pain management for the rest of my life. I was told that even if the surgery is successful on MRI and there are no problems with fusion or pedicle screws, etc., the pain may still be there.

With these types of odds, I am leaning towards Europe & ADR with the potential better outcomes. If ever the problems were not resolved or I deteriorate, I can always undergo fusion at that point.

I hope you are making progress like I am with the analysis & decisions.
1989 – herniated disc at L5-S1
1992 – L5-S1 broad bulging; right L5 nerve root compression; impingement on S1 root within spinal canal;
2006 – DDD L3-S1; disk bulge at L3-L4 and mild facet/ligmentous hypertrophy; L4-L5 large herniated disc; facet/ligmentous hypertrophy with stenosis; disc herniation & dessication at L5-S1;
2013/2014 – Dessication and significant disc height loss at L4-L5 & L5-S1; L3-L4 disc bulge with hypertrophy; mild spinal stenosis; Grade 1 anterolisthesis (3mm); L4-L5 - marginal spurring and moderate hypertrophy causing neuroforaminal narrowing; L5-S1 - moderate-severe neuroforaminal narrowing; lumbar lordosis is straightening.

New pains & functional limitations in late 2013 led to exploring ADR procedures. Consulted with 8 surgeons domestically and 9 in Europe.
May 2014 – Anterior and posterior incisions in a 5-hour surgery resulted in 2 M-6s and one facet joint prosthesis (dynamic stabilization system). On the road to full recovery.
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Old 04-19-2014, 02:51 AM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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The EMG was a waste of time, for me. Felt like it was a doctor's way of pretending to do "back stuff" for a patient.

Already paid for a few consults, dr C included. It's worth paying. Take the time to pick their brains.

Two things. As far as fusion and having a 70% chance of success. That may or may not be true, but if you're already sketchy on the L2/3 then fusing the two lower discs underneath will just shred that sketchy one up so much faster. To me that sounds like a non-starter. I'd check that doc right there at the door with a comment like that.

As far as FBSS and a lifetime of pain management, aren't we already there as it is or close to it? The pain will still be there? Well, it's here now so.... My point is making a decision to not have surgery for fear of tragic consequences is also making a decision to have a tragic consequence since you're already experiencing a life of limitations and pain. Ultimately(and slowly) we come to the agonizing realization that the decision is no longer ours. The decision is being made on our behalf, pain is making the reservation, pain forcing us to hit the numbers on our phone to call the docs, pain is screaming at us to wire money for a consult. Meanwhile, life is passing us by, and we, trapped in our pain, like being in prison, eventually must find a way to dig ourselves out and escape. Sure, the waters around Alcatraz were shark infested, but so what? The risks just didn't matter anymore. Life was passing us by. We all crave freedom. When you, as well as me, are ready we will jump in the water and swim, despite the risks, the what ifs and, yes, the sharks.

It becomes more important to live in the end, even if it means to have tried and failed. I admire everyone here. They are brave soldiers. And Henry is so much on my mind! When I think of him, I think of me.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:33 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Interesting facts about Dr Clavel.

I asked so many questions again today with him that he must have felt like he was back in his residency program.

First off, he does not use bone wax on the lumbar. Only on the cervical does he use it.

Second, he does not believe in using the Dacron Shield over the vertebrae after ADR implantation to protect the great vessels from clinging via fibrosis. The new surgeon consensus is that you get the same adhesions either way so what's the use.

Third, he was candid when I asked him about multilevel lumbar with the M6 potentially causing spinal instability or scoliosis. Not every multilevel lumbar(3 ADR) will present with scoliosis, but it does occur. They are asymptomatic however. Well, what about the polymer in an M6 then being compressed on one side unevenly all the time? Answer: there's no way of knowing what effect that will have on the ADR over time.

Bone spurs. When I mentioned Sue Ha's enormous spur, he did not know about it but was honestly concerned. I gave him the website so he could see it for himself. We talked about osteophytes for awhile. Too long to go into here.

I have more homework. He wants me to get a standing X Ray to determine if my sacral slope is too steep. We are trying to determine whether my bottom L5/S1 is going to be fused or not.

On that point, he does not use your own hip,bone. instead, he uses BMP material which works just fine on the ALIF.

I am also getting a DEXA bone scan. It'll save me a day in preop at Barcelona if I can do it here.

What else? Can't think of it right now.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:42 PM
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TPatti TPatti is offline
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Thanks for sharing. Dr. Bierstedt also does not use the Dacron Sheid, he told me pretty much the same-there is not evidence that it makes a difference and that it is another foreign item in your body so he does not see a benefit. He also said that surgical technique is more important than bone wax. I have a pretty good curve from my 3 level. Dr. Biestedt also said that it should be asymptomatic and that my body will compensate, the disc being able to move unlike a fusion will allow that to happen. I feel that I will never be able to totally straighten out but I am not convince that I cannot make a lot of improvement thru Pilates to achieve more core and pelvic stability. My 9 month follow up report coming soon-
*9/10: Unstable pelvis & SI joint, sore IT band. Chiro care, I would shift out hours to days after adjust
*12/10: PT & chiro
*4/11 to 11/11: 5 sessions prolo and 3 prolo w/ PRP
*12/28/11 ESI L L4/L5 - 1/13/12 ESI R L4/L5 - 1/24/12 L SI joint capsule - 3/8/12 TPI - 3/23/12 L L5/S1 - 4/11/12 ESI caudal - 5/23/12 TPI - 7/10/12 Facet inj L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1
*9/12/12: 30 - DRX9000
*12/21/12 schedule. for L4/L5 fusion-CANCELLED 1/7/13
*7/16/2013: 3 level M6(S1-L3) w/ Dr. Bierstedt
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:46 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Oh yeah, almost forgot.

We talked about M6 sizing concerns. I talked to another poster here who felt like the M6L is too small for his vertebrae. He's tall and the ADRs look tiny in there. It is a bummer I said that there is no M6L that is XL. It only comes in a large. Dr Clavel also wished there was a larger one beyond the L, but it is what it is. He said it should not pose a problem.

Also, I asked about his experience in other prosthetic devices like the Acitv L. He has only done 20 to 30 of them so compared to his experience with the M6, experience is limited on that front.

Hope this is helpful.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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Old 04-24-2014, 09:51 PM
drewrad drewrad is offline
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Todd, I thought of you when I brought up the scoliosis. I almost wanted to email him the photos but felt like that would have been a breech of trust.

Yeah, you're the 3 level that I think about when I discuss instability or scoliosis to surgeons, but when I talked to you, you don't seem to notice so it's not an issue.
Weightlifter since 12 years old, now mid-40's and figuring out this wasn't such a good idea.

Chronic back pain started in 2010 while shrugging weights that a 40 yr. old shouldn't even try.

MRI in 2012 showing L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations and L2/L3 bulge.

L5/S1 taking on new shape, chronic sciatica, etc.

DEXA bone scan performed 5/7/14 showing mild osteopenia.

Surgery performed July 9th, 2014, Dr Clavel, hybrid three level lumbar.
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