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Old 11-11-2005, 01:35 PM
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Yes, sorry to say I'm another newbie playing the waiting game for 2 level ADR. Before I write any introductory details, I just wanted to thank all of you for sharing the details of your own lives, the good and the bad. I admire the courage of each of you to deal with your own problems and to take the time to give support and understanding to others.
I'm a 45 yr. old female 23 year veteran police officer that is 4 1/2 years away from collecting my pension. In November of 2004, I ended up in the hospital emergency room after hearing a loud crack with immediate excruciating pain in my lower back. To add insult to injury, all I was doing was putting my pants on in the morning. The ER doctor told my that the xrays showed 2 "horrid" discs in my back. The pain medication injections came much quicker after that but the three different types used multiple times caused a predictable results. I could have done without the vomiting experiences while having disabling back pain. I was sent home with some flexaril and a medrol pack.
Next step was to my family doctor who sent me for an MRI which showed DDD L4/L5 and L5/S1 with bulges in both discs.
Off to the neurosurgeon I went. After a lumbar scan and a discogram (which is another 10+ holes in my back hitting nerves consistantly story), I was told that I needed a two level ADR. This process of diagnosis took over three months. My neurosurgeon told me that he was scheduled to receive his ADR training and wasn't I lucky that I might be his first patient (i.e. guinea pig). I even was given a surgery date. I quickly did research and discovered this wonderful site as well as other ADR informational sites. But wait. No physical therapy, no 6 months of treatment, and no FDA approval of 2 level device. For once, an insurance denial was actually a godsend.
Back to the family doctor for another referral, this time to a orthopedic surgeon who is well-versed in ADR. He agreed that I needed 2 level ADR but first things first. Off to physical therapy I went. Helped with overall flexibilty and strength which were pretty poor after 6 mths. of being primarily a couch potato. Pain is still problematic but I usually make do with position changes and my heating pad (of which I have three located in strategic positions around my abode). I also recently ended up with a bad muscle spasm in my lower back from picking up a hairbrush from the counter in my bathroom. Guess I'll just have to watch that heavy weight restriction.
Right now I am playing the waiting game, checking the FDA web site obsessively and involved in legal battles (which include showing that my DDD condition is work-related...gun belt and bad carseats etc for years and years) with my employer to try and save my job. Never thought I would be grateful to get to the insurance battle stage but I'm eager to at least get there.
Well, that's pretty much all the facts and nothing but the facts (sorry, guess I've been a police officer too long )
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Old 11-11-2005, 01:53 PM
Brad Brad is offline
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I fit well within your description including the police officer experience (not as much as you though).

You are doing the right things except dont be the first person your doctor does. It is common knowledge that it takes at least 15 procedures before a doctor is even starting to know what he is doing.

the best doctors have done hundreds and some even over 1200. I know the leading doctors in our area (southern cal) have done over 500 procedures each. These are the types I would look for.

Good Luck,
Brad, 2-level Activ-L ADR
by Dr. Bertagnoli Oct. 18th 2005.
L4/L5, L5/S1. ABSOLUTE SUCCESS (so far)
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Old 11-11-2005, 02:02 PM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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Hi Alikin ,
We have a lady police officer been through here and is back chasing villans on the streets again -- - take your time She is in here as Queen Of Hearts so look her up if you wish to talk to her
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
Your best asset is your health
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Thank goodness for Dr Zeegers I am painfree
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