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Old 11-11-2008, 09:34 AM
builder5840 builder5840 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 67
Default Pacing yourself a good lesson

Hello everyone,

Today I'm reminded about probably the only good thing about my 12 week long Pain management classs that my HMO insisted I take if I wanted to take drugs stronger than Motrin etc.. For the most part the class was a farse with all kinds of totally stupid ideas including sing along exercises mental exercises and so on. For me the thing that has helped when I apply it that is, was to Pace myself in what ever i'm doing. I've always been very active and full speed ahead in whatever i'm doing. If it needs to be done it needs to be done well and with all of your heart and soul. I'm a contractor that likes to work hard and have always worked long hours, whatever it takes to get it done! Since my class I have really tried to Pace myself, trying to visualize the day ahead of me and figuring out a realistic goal for the day. But becuase of my personality I often forget, or get involved in what i'm doing and forget to pace myself. Yesterday was one of those days, I was having fun working on a project and all of the sudden "bam" my body stopped and I was down for the day, straight to the lounge chair, and of course now today i'm pretty much worthless as far as getting back to work. For me pacing myself has been a very good lesson to learn when I apply it that is. When I do pace myself which can mean just slowing down at what i'm doing, instead of a project taking me an hour maybe by slowing down a little it takes me and hour and a half but i'm still able to go on to the next thing. But when I think my body is normal and push it full speed ahead after that hour project I just might be done for the day. Anyway hope you all have a grace filled day and as a friend of mine says be salt and light.

Fall from a ladder in 05 left me with messed up C5,6,7
Lots of pain,test, proceedures and dealing with doctors
Finally decided on ADR will be going to Mylasia in March 09 two level Discover disc
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Old 11-11-2008, 07:00 PM
maz maz is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 178

Hi ther Mr builder you are so right pacing is crucial when you are in chronic pain it prevents flares which are hard to swallow and get over. I am like you in that I am full on and get things done now I write down what I want to get out of each day and they are given times just things like sorting out the utility bills then break etc. Its hard I get stuck in forget and then pay. Think its hilarious to sing but it probably works!! Are you ableto pace at work?? Any tips there I am going back soon best wishes Maz
DDD C5/6 C6/7 following a fall onto my arm in June 06
Left Arm pain 2007 spread to the right after 10 months
Misdiagnosed x 3 then diagnosed as DDD related July 08
Active C ADR 2 levels 18th Sept 08
pain remains in shoulders and neck but is better than before (level 2-6)
arm pain resolved
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Old 11-11-2008, 08:27 PM
builder5840 builder5840 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 67
Default Pacing at work


Fortunately for me I'm semi self employed, cuase if you've ever been self employed you know that your always working for someone else. I am currently working through my Church, I go all over helping Churches with construction needs. I've been doing this for about 12 years and really love what I do. I was working on a Church when I fell off of a ladder and almost 4 years have gone by since my fall and I'm finally going to have surgery. I mostly work with volunteers from the Church i'm helping with assistance from sub contractors that we may hire or other full time contractors like me that are doing this full time. Most of them are fully aware of my condition and are very patient with me and try their best to keep me from things that I know I shouldn't do but don't always if you know what I mean.

For me pacing usually means to simply slow it down a little, if I'm framing a wall or like yesterday a stage instead of carrying two or three boards at a time I might have to carry one, or get someone to carry all of the boards to me so that I can cut them and tell them where to place them. I tend to get into a mental rush when i'm working always thinking of what to do next instead I should be planning to stop between each step which will give me time for a short break. Sometimes I have to say to myself slow down, walk a little slower, etc... Most people don't even realize i'm doing it becuase i've been so full on for so long most people still think i'm over doing it when i think i'm pacing myself.

The other thing for me is paying attention to my body, it usually lets me know if i'm over doing it. But when I get in a hurry I forget to listen and then bang i'm done. Pacing doesn't always work either, but it helps. I hope that after a time when my surgery is done and fully healed I'll be able to hit it hard again but this pacing thing may have to become a lifetime duty.

I hope things go well for you as you go back to work.

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