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Old 11-25-2008, 12:40 AM
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Question Help with being Bloated :(

I am so bloated right now and don't know why. I have read similar things on this board; but they were all in post-op and that is not me, so thought I would look for insight. Warning, a bit of TMI involved...
The bloating started about 3 weeks ago, I brushed it off as being from my cycle. That came and went, and then I saw my pain dr. and found out that I gained 6 lbs! Holy , or in my case rare occurence of. I am taking stool softners daily, max dose. When I get miserable, I add in Miralax, Maalox and fiber (although, this doesn't happen often, once a month maybe). I thought that I had pretty 'regular' as of lately and don't really think that is the problem; but am not sure.

There have been several times that I have drank some water (any liquid) or ate something and felt like I was going to explode. I have also been having frequent (daily)stomach aches and feeling like I want to vomit and no, I am not pregnant, although I look 6 months pregnant I usually don't have stomach aches, although, when my pain is bad and I am taking lots of medicine, I will (but currently I am taking Kadian 20mg x 2 day and 3-6 Vicodin 10/325 a day, before the Kadian I took 8 or 9 Vicodin a day, so I don't think that is it). I also take muscle relaxers and Lyrica; but have never had problems with them in the last 3 years. My eating habits haven't changed, in fact, I feel like I have been eating less (I am on Chantix to quit smoking and it has also curbed my appetite).

Now, to my final questions,

Is this common with back pain?
Could it just be plain ole' constipation and associated medications?
Do you think a liver/colon cleansing system would help? I have done one of these before; but then I end up on the other end of the spectrum, not to mention taking all those extra pills (and remembering to take them with enough time in between the other medications)
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Old 11-25-2008, 01:04 AM
Adrienne Adrienne is offline
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I don't know what Kadian is, but Vicodin and Lyrica can certainly plug you up. Any CNS depressant can, as the digestive system muscles are part of the central nervous system. It also might in inactivity catching up with you.

What a drag. Sorry.
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Old 11-25-2008, 09:17 AM
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i don't think it's a question of does this bloating go along with back pain, but rather, all those medications you are on (and alot of us have been on as well) seriously impede the digestive tract. No doubt about it. Are you having regular bowel movements with the added fiber you are taking? Are you having early satiating? When you mention the nausea as well, it makes me wonder if your food is just sitting in your stomach. The opiates can definitely slow the digestive process. If things don't smooth out, you might benefit from seeing a gastroenterologist. I certainly don't mean to scare you, but your symptoms sound somewhat like a condition I have, gastroparesis, which is a slowing of food through the digestive tract. Especially if you take a few bites of food, and you immediately are full, or begin to get a stomach ache, then the nausea can come. Just food for thought. No pun intended. Keep us posted for sure. And I hope you can get some answers and relief for this. It's bad enough to have all the back pain, then this on top of it.
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Old 11-25-2008, 09:49 AM
Justin Justin is offline
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It sounds like you are extremely constipated. I would see if your PM doctor can call in a script for Enulose Syrup. This is frequently prescribed to people that are using narcotics "long term."

FYI: I have personally used this in the past. It will clear things up. However, you will feel (and be) less "bloated" and you will be able to eat and drink again without feeling nauseous.
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Old 11-25-2008, 04:54 PM
kimmers kimmers is offline
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I had constipation preop because of the drugs and inactivity. It wasn't so bad when I was on Darvocet and then oxycontin moved it up a couple of notches.
That Enolose is powerful stuff, (we use it in hospital under generic name Lactulose to give to people to poop, to clear stuff out for certain conditions).

I was bloated and constipated before surgery. I took generic Colace, Miralax, prune juice, prunes, and anything that would cause BMs. I would check with your PM doc, or your surgeon, or a gastro doc to make sure that it is from constipation. Always good idea to check with a doc regarding medication, prescription or not and symptoms too.

I have noticed a tendency to return to constipation when I got back on Gabapentin (brandname, Neurotin) and I just looked up the side effects, and constipation is one of them. Lyrica also has constipation as a side effect.

Post-surgery was a constipation hell hole, especially when I got an illeus (post operative illeus means my lower bowel stopped working). It accounted for my extra days stay in the hospital. I already knew that I was at risk for an illeus so it wasn't a great surprise, but i could have done without one. LOL.

Again, before taking another med, please check with your doc. I read where some laxative meds can clear out too much of your medication and that can be problematic.

After surgery, I used the Miralax, generic colace, suppostitores, etc...
I just started feeling better regarding this common malady, but I would go four-five-six--you name it, days without a BM. They (doc's office) didn't want me going past four-five days as I recall.

File this under TMI, but there are lots of threads dealing with this topic.
Just go to a doc and figure out why you are bloated. It is always a good idea to check things out before going under the knife.

hurt back lifting, herniated disc at L4/L5. DDD
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Old 11-27-2008, 12:22 AM
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Default Thanks

Thank you all so much for all the information. I finally was able to go and my stomach is way more normal now (and I haven't felt nauseous since then). I will definitley put a call in to my pain doc and see if he wants to see me. Before the Kadian (morphine), I ate that Activia yogurt daily and lots of fiber rich cereal, and that seemed to work. It may be that and they did double my Lyrica (which I had no idea caused constipation). Hopefully there is something that will not make me blow up; but more of a daily medication I can take. I took the Miralax, because that was something my daughter was on as a baby (poor kid had the same issue for over a year... I have all new sympathy for what she went through). Thanks again, may need to pre-order that script that Justin mentioned before surgery, I'm sure I will be one of the lucky ones who needs it
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Old 12-05-2008, 09:58 PM
Justin Justin is offline
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KBear... I have a question for you. Check your PMs. Thanks!
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