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Old 11-18-2008, 05:09 PM
kimmers kimmers is offline
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I had the annular tear on the discogram, too and that's when the docs started talking surgery.
I'm not speaking about the mind/body connection with it just related to depression. Just everyday things like before you go to the doctor you suddenly feel much better.
I think your mind tries to trick you.

I do believe you will be labeled by the insurance companies if you take antidepressants, but if they are needed, I don't think people should not take them because of this.

I don't want people on here to quit taking their medications because of this.
Some people cannot function without antidepressants. I have a few friends who are profoundly depressed and the meds make a huge difference in their lives.

So if you think you need them, take them. Some also work for nerve pain too.

Best of luck,

hurt back lifting, herniated disc at L4/L5. DDD
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Old 11-18-2008, 10:57 PM
Adrienne Adrienne is offline
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Oh I agree, Kimmers. I was strictly speaking for this particular time. I'm a floundering just as everyone else; it never dawned that someone would model me or use me as an example of the right path taken. Trust me: Don't!

I have new (although I hate to admit the 'new') sympathy for people on pain or psycho-active meds... and also for those who hate them and have to modulate between feeling normal and eliminating their it mental or physical.

I totally didn't mean to cast aspersions on folks on anti-depressnents,God knows.

PS I know what you mean about feeling better for a doctor's visit. I'l always more upbeat. My husband has said when we enter an exam room, "Adrienne, remember. Act sick." And he'll have to tell the doc how bad I am at home because I'm so chipper at the office.
I think it's because we're thinking that, finally, something is going to be done...and we're happy.
Minimal DDD L4/L5
Minimal DDD L5/S1
Disco 4/07 : Large tear: @L5/S1
Idet 4/08 No improvement
Now looking at ADR vs. Fusion
ALIF Fusion 2/10 Stanford
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Old 11-19-2008, 03:02 AM
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KBear KBear is offline
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Angry Nothing Is Wrong With You...

I was the 'crazy' lady who was hooked on pain meds for the first 7 months of this and for the last 18 months.
They did not know what was causing my pain for 7 months, and it was everywhere. I literally hurt from my head/neck down to my rear. My arms hurt, I couldn't turn my head to check my blindspot when driving, my hands would go numb, etc. I had MRI's, nerve conduction tests, and so on. Nothing was wrong with me, one dr. referred me out and the other always probbed me like he had never had this happen before.
Finally, an MRI showed a tear, then I had the Idet. After the Idet, they acted like I should be healed and there was no way that I should be in pain (weirdly after it, on my L4/5, my neck and arm pain went away; although, I still have hand numbness sometimes).
I then switched dr's because I was sick of being treated like a crazy hooked on opiates lady. I had another MRI and was told the disc was dark gray/black on the MRI from the Idet. They said the other discs may be hurting from the L4/5 not being a shock absorber any more. I was not told this was DDD, that there was still a tear and now a herniation. I had facet injections, bi-lateral neurotomy on L4/5/6, epidural injections, and more. The dr. was compassionate; but acted dumbfounded as to why I was in pain still (and this place was rated Best Of Dallas Doctors 3 or 4 years in a row and was supposed to be the best in my area) I then was referred out for chronic pain management (I was told there was nothing else that could be done (maybe a spinal cord stimulator) and that they would not prescribe medication unless they were doing treatments).
I then found a dr. at TBI that fit the bill. On my first visit he said I had DDD, herniations, etc. that he saw on my MRI from 12 months prior. I then had a new MRI and the DDD, herniation, and tear were worse. He immediately asked if I would be open to surgery, when I said anything to help me, he suggested ADR. Here I am now.
It is absolutely crazy that these dr's who chose the field of medicine and spine care at that, do not have more empathy and understanding. It seems like they would be the first to understand that there is not always an in your face problem; but there can still be pain. I know that there are people that are hooked on prescription medication and do fake it; but I doubt that too many people would do all the testing, procedures and treatment that we go through for drugs. The money that it cost to do that alone would be a high price to pay for drugs.
My office also drug tests randomly. They can tell how much medicine you have taken and what, that way they can see if you are not taking any and selling it, are taking more than prescribed, taking anything not prescribed to you, taking any street drugs, and if you are taking the medications as prescribed and how your body is processing them. I think this is wonderful and that all offices should do it. It would weed out the fakers (who may be addicts or selling the drugs) amd drug-addicts (these people are generally taking more than prescribed). It seems like then they could fairly easily see who is really hurt and who is not. Not to mention that it helps them see how it works with your body and can be adjusted accordingly. Maybe one day this will happen and dr's will believe their patients word.
Once again, just my wordy/long opinion
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