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Old 01-20-2014, 09:17 PM
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TPatti TPatti is offline
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I though only the Anterior ligament was cut? Having just had a three level lumbar(6 months post-op) I am working very hard to strengthen my core and pelvis to account for the instability from height gain and anterior ligament being cut. I am finding that pilates, private sessions using equipment not group mat classes, is helping tremendously and recommend to anyone as part of recovery and life.
*9/10: Unstable pelvis & SI joint, sore IT band. Chiro care, I would shift out hours to days after adjust
*12/10: PT & chiro
*4/11 to 11/11: 5 sessions prolo and 3 prolo w/ PRP
*12/28/11 ESI L L4/L5 - 1/13/12 ESI R L4/L5 - 1/24/12 L SI joint capsule - 3/8/12 TPI - 3/23/12 L L5/S1 - 4/11/12 ESI caudal - 5/23/12 TPI - 7/10/12 Facet inj L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1
*9/12/12: 30 - DRX9000
*12/21/12 schedule. for L4/L5 fusion-CANCELLED 1/7/13
*7/16/2013: 3 level M6(S1-L3) w/ Dr. Bierstedt
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Old 01-31-2014, 09:46 AM
Brewster Brewster is offline
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Neck-rosis my doc(GP), says that if I have cervical fusion I'll lose mobility there and I won't be able to drive. I have been told that cervical ADR is not a possibility because of auto-fusion. Currently I have full neck mobility, I do feel a bit of pressure when I move my head to the vertical extreme tho'.
Cervical DDD, Lumbar stenosis
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Old 01-31-2014, 03:00 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
Neck-rosis my doc(GP), says that if I have cervical fusion I'll lose mobility there and I won't be able to drive. I have been told that cervical ADR is not a possibility because of auto-fusion. Currently I have full neck mobility, I do feel a bit of pressure when I move my head to the vertical extreme tho'.
Autofusion has occurred in a small number of patients. If you look in the Article Library, you should find some stats on this.

Keeled device implantations, without post-operative NSAIDs will increase the likelihood of HO. But to say that HO is the norm is simply false.
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 02-03-2014, 05:24 PM
Neck-rosis Neck-rosis is offline
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Smile RE: the Loss of Motion

Originally Posted by Brewster View Post
Neck-rosis my doc(GP), says that if I have cervical fusion I'll lose mobility there and I won't be able to drive. I have been told that cervical ADR is not a possibility because of auto-fusion. Currently I have full neck mobility, I do feel a bit of pressure when I move my head to the vertical extreme tho'.

Yes, Heterotopic Ossification is not the "norm".

I'll give you MY experience from having C4-C7 fused anteriorly. I can drive OK I just use the rest of my Thoracic spine to check my blind spots. I still have 45 Degrees of left/right motion. My up and down motion has been greatly reduced. My revision surgeon here in Toronto told me I would lose 50% motion in my neck. I was reluctant to go through with it because he was the only surgeon who wanted to do C4-C7. All other surgeons recommended only C5-C7. His rationale was that even though I only had minor degeneration on C4-5 the over compensation of motion at C4-5 from fusing only C5-7 would cause premature wearing of C4-5 and necessitate another revision within 5 years. (C4-5 is a very mobile disc).

To sum it up, I now have less pain than I did when my facets joints were grinding against each other with the Bryan disc, but the pain I do still have is more chronic in nature. The surgeon was correct when he told me that this procedure would drop my pain levels by 50%. The part that I have a hard time with is that it has made me a more sedentary person. Staying fit is more challenging with the motion restriction. I feel the tugging on my remaining ligaments above the fusion when I move my neck so I am encouraged to stay inactive more often and not aggravate the situation. I'm already doing mild core exercises but only with a Philadelphia hard collar. Looking forward to getting some odd stares at the gym when I put my collar on to do lat pull-downs and ab crunches.

On the up side is that being fused means no more joint inflammation (at least not in between the fused segments) and no pain from swelling. For people with multiple spine joint problems fusion is the way to go and is the only way to predictably correct deformities and alignment issues.

My Spinal cord damage is now stabilized, and that's definitely a welcome change, but during the procedure the surgeon subluxed my C4 vertebral body posteriorly while he drove in the screws on the top 2 side holes of the titanium plate. The plate was also not screwed down flush with my C4 vertebral body (4-5mm Protruding anteriorly) so I have issues of snorting with my throat when I breathe and some dysphagia when swallowing.

My 2nd follow up will be this Month and there is a chance that another revision may be in the works to correct these problems. Maybe after a confirmed arthrodesis occurs we can remove the plate. SO not looking forward to having my throat hacked open for the third time.

Wow, I have come a long was since my original C5-6 Herniation back in 2006. I read that once one gets into this Cervical spine surgery mess, they become a repeat customer for life. Now I'm living proof of that.

This is why the Corporations are so keen on making these ADR's because they too have noticed how much profit there is in the C-spine Industry, and they too want a piece of the action. This is why the University Health Network here does not use any fancy gimmicks, NO ADR's, No Resorbable dissolving plates, no fancy plastic spacers and crap that is prone to failure, just fibular cortical Allografts packed with Autologous cancellous bone material.

It is noteworthy to mention here as well that the Bryan Disc that was pulled out of my C5-6 level was not deteriorated or damaged in vivo in any way. The disc did in fact function as advertised and it did provide me with lots of motion, just a little too much motion in my case.

It will take at least another decade before reliable real world data is available on whether or not these fancy ADR's actually prevent/retard adjacent segment disease

Another disappointment is that the greedy Corporate cockroaches at Medtronic won't even provide a refund for the $5K I spent on their Bryan Disc Monkey experiment, that Lasted me only 5 years and not the "Lifetime" warranty I was promised.

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Old 02-05-2014, 05:55 PM
Brewster Brewster is offline
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NR, I've looked at UHN's site in the spine section. they seem pretty keen on Minimally Invasive Surgery. The site is not that informative, to compare it with US MIS sites, any idea what they're into?
Cervical DDD, Lumbar stenosis
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Old 02-10-2014, 10:54 AM
Neck-rosis Neck-rosis is offline
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Default Re: Uhn

Hi Brewster,

each spine condition is unique to the patient and treatment options vary. The entire spectrum of spine procedures is offered at UHN depending on patients requirements.

ie. many spine surgery clinics offer that minimally invasive foramionotomy procedure, but what they don't tell you is that those procedures have lower success rates at relieving all the pressure caused by a squashed Disc. They also are not the indication where any stenosis of the spinal canal is present.

Choosing which spine procedure to have is a very tricky balancing act for many patients as they compare the pros and cons of each one of them. There is no perfect spine procedure, they all have big downsides.

At UHN, Including the Krembil Neuroscience Centre at Toronto Western Hospital you should look for Dr. Michael Fehlings, (head of NeuroSurgery) Dr Charles Tater ( 2009 Indoctrinated into Canadian Medical Hall of Fame) although Dr. Tator does not perform Surgery anymore due to his age he is still available for consultation, Dr. M. Lozanno, and Dr. Eric Massicotte (specializing in Cervical procedures)

Also at UHN over at St. Michaels Hospital and one of my favorite Neuro Surgeons is Dr. Micheal Cusimano. His methods are more conservative than the others. He would always try to save as much of your spine as he can. You Can Google him at RateMD's, he has the highest Neuro Surgeon patient ratings in all of Canada.

I have a wealth of videos and resources that I can share with the forum that provide a solid education in spine Pathology and surgical procedures.

One good place to start is the ChiroGeek WebPage:
ChiroGeek's Home Page

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Old 02-10-2014, 11:56 AM
Neck-rosis Neck-rosis is offline
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Lightbulb If you have the courage to go Global

If it's abroad you want to go, I highly recommend Dr.Sandeep Vaishya at Fortis Hospital in Gurganon New Delhi, India. That will cost you at least $9K for single level fusion. Prices are going up every year with demand exploding Globally.

Also you may want to look into South Korea's Wooridul Hospital that specializes in spine procedures. I've done my share of homework and farmed out my reports and scans out Globally last year and received many quotes.

Those 2 places I found were the best value, and best skill level for the job.

These days with the Global marketplace there is no need to re-mortgage your home to pay some of these Bloodsuckers $50-100K. Basically if you are out of pocket $50K for a single level fusion you are getting scammed bigtime. These procedures are simple peanuts stuff for any Neuro/Orthopedic surgeon. Basic Smith/Robinson technique (entry through the throat) which is taught at all medical schools.

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bryan, cervical arthroplasty, cervical disc arthroplasty bryan

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