Can we work together so we can win appeals?
Hi All - I'm thinking that it would be incredibly helpful if we compiled a list of all members who have been paid by their insurance companies for ADR. The list should show the patient name, insurance company, date and location of surgery and physician name.
We could each use this information in our claim/appeal processes. These payments set a precedent for all the rest of the insurance companies.
There is a lot of information here on this site and it is difficult to find it all as it is spread out over various threads and pages. Harrison does an amazing job of keeping up with it. If we had a central depository page for information like this, many of us could win our claims more quickly.
Would you all consider creating this resource together? This medical procedure is becoming more and more of a standard. It is people like us who can create a critical mass that can tip the scales for people who come after us. Wouldn't it be great for these procedures to simply become commonplace and therefore paid unquestioningly by insurance companies? It's groups like this who get those kinds of things done. Let's organize a bit. In the meantime, may I use the names of those successful claimants?
Thanks for listening,
57yo Female Cervical stenosis with myelopathy
Fusion 2006 C5/6 to address worst of 4 levels
Fall 2009 return of symptoms
Jan 29 2010: 3 level ADR in Bogen Germany by Dr. Bertagnoli -C3/4, C4/5, C6/7 with hardware removal