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Old 11-04-2011, 11:59 PM
Girth19 Girth19 is offline
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Default Leaving for Barcelona

Hey folks,

I know that I haven't really posted about my decision making process, but I want to thank everyone for their posts because they helped me finalize my plans. My husband, brother-in-law and I leave for Barcelona tomorrow. I am having a 3 level M-6L ADR on Wednesday, Nov 9th (levels L2-3 thru L4-5). This has been a decision long in the making, but one that had to be made after sustaining a new, severe herniation at L2-3. MRI results showed that I have end stage DDD (discs completely black) at L3-4, L4-5 and am bone-on-bone at L4-5. Didn't receive good options here in the surgeon said I needed a 3 level fusion and the other said that my lumbar spine was so "messed up" that fusion wasn't an option and I just "needed to deal with it"! Really? After dealing with pain for basically 27 years (started when I was 14 y/o), "dealing" wasn't an option. I consulted with 4 MDs in Europe and felt that my decision to have Dr. Clavel perform my surgery was the right decision for me.

Like many of my predecessors, I have decided to blog about my journey. If I can help anyone by providing information on my recovery, then I feel that it is the least I can do because I'm one of the many that have dealt with the difficulties of living daily with the limitations of back pain. My blog address is:

Any suggestions from my recovering or recovered cohort that might help me through what I'm sure with be a formidable recovery period, I would greatly appreciate your input.

Here is to a positive outcome and a soon to be better life! Hopefully soon enough I will be able to move like my little friend

Take care all!
1989-Diagnosed DDD.
1991-Ruptured L3-4 L4-5. Two level fusion recommended and REFUSED.
Intense PT, Pain Management and back brace.
1997- Re-Ruptured L3-4 L4-5. MRI-advanced DDD L1-L5. PT, ESIs
1998-Two Level Laminectomy and One level Discectomy. To relieve nerve root impingement.
1998-2011 Back pain steadily worsened.
8-2011- New pain and new MRI showed- Herniation L2-3 and end stage DDD at L3-4,L4-5.
11-11 3 Level M6 L2-3 to L4-5 by Dr Clavel
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Old 11-05-2011, 12:19 AM
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laid up doc laid up doc is offline
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best of luck... if you have any questions about Barcelona/Quiron, feel free to PM me. i had a very smooth experience - but am younger and just had 1 level.

the sights in Barcelona are a great motivation to get up and about. if you are staying near the Metro, it's an easy walk from the Penitents station (more for your hubby if he wants to go elsewhere). i have lots of travel advice if you're interested...
US non-spine MD - laid up no more!!!
had recurrent annular tear L5/S1, failed everything
M6L done 10/19/11 w/ Dr Clavel getting back to my old self more and more every week! if my PM box is full

The content herein represents my professional thought and opinions in a general sense only; they do not constitute professional advice or services. if you need medical advice, please consult a licensed physician.
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Old 11-05-2011, 12:29 AM
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Texas Toast Texas Toast is offline
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Godspeed, Girth19!

I look forward to following your posts.
Applied for S.S.D.I./Medicare, 1st appeal.
Dr. ordered Discogram of S1/L5, L5/L4, and L4/L3. Have not gotten; 2 lower discs black/herniated
Injections in cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and 8+ in S.I. joint
Plan: Trying to see spine surgeon at charity hospital, further diagnosis. Evaluate for S.I. joint fusion and lumbar and cervical fusions/ADR.
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Old 11-05-2011, 12:39 AM
JEVE19 JEVE19 is offline
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Just remember 3 levels is a big surgery.
Don't feel pressure to site see because you are in Barcelona.
Its surgery, not vacation.
Go slow. Listen to your body.
It will tell you when you're tired, gone far enough, etc.
Prayers sent your way for success and comfort.
L5-S1 Lumbar M6 by Nick Boeree
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Old 11-05-2011, 08:29 AM
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I'll be following your progress on your blog. Thanks for posting it. Yes, three level lumbar is a very big surgery. I hope you're up to touring after your surgery; but if you're not, don't! On this site we've seen a few otherwise good recoveries turn bad from patients pushing themselves too hard.

Please update us as you're able.

Good luck, Jeff
C4/5 - ACDF in 2000
C5/6 - ACDF in 2002
C3/4 & C6/7 - M6 ADR, Nov 2009, Barcelona
Conceded defeat to a manifestly disingenuous BCBS-TX in my quest for reimbursement, Jan 2011
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Old 11-05-2011, 09:49 AM
Girth19 Girth19 is offline
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Default Thanks!

Thanks everyone. I will let you know how it goes. Doc...yes, you are younger, but not by much! I'm only 40...but have to admit, some days I definitely feel much older. Vicki...thanks for your advice. After my previous surgery 13 yrs ago, I know to take it easy. However, doing it is not always easy for me b/c I don't like staying idle. Must be medical background! Jeff...yep, I will be watching my P&Qs b/c after waiting this long for a solution, something going wrong b/c of me overdoing in Barcelona isn't an option.

Have a great day,
1989-Diagnosed DDD.
1991-Ruptured L3-4 L4-5. Two level fusion recommended and REFUSED.
Intense PT, Pain Management and back brace.
1997- Re-Ruptured L3-4 L4-5. MRI-advanced DDD L1-L5. PT, ESIs
1998-Two Level Laminectomy and One level Discectomy. To relieve nerve root impingement.
1998-2011 Back pain steadily worsened.
8-2011- New pain and new MRI showed- Herniation L2-3 and end stage DDD at L3-4,L4-5.
11-11 3 Level M6 L2-3 to L4-5 by Dr Clavel
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Old 11-05-2011, 10:48 AM
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laid up doc laid up doc is offline
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good thing about Barcelona is you can do a lot of things w/o risking overdoing it... lot of things you can do on a "light" basis, and you're never more than a minute or 2 away from a taxi/bus/train to take you back to rest.

i found that after the first few days, walking felt best... in Barca you can just walk down the street and it's entertaining. One of several reasons i had such a multifactorially good trip.
US non-spine MD - laid up no more!!!
had recurrent annular tear L5/S1, failed everything
M6L done 10/19/11 w/ Dr Clavel getting back to my old self more and more every week! if my PM box is full

The content herein represents my professional thought and opinions in a general sense only; they do not constitute professional advice or services. if you need medical advice, please consult a licensed physician.
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Old 11-19-2011, 10:38 PM
Dingie Dingie is offline
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Default Good luck

I realize your are on the road to recovery now, congratulations! I a, curious how your decision making process went NAND how you are doing. Selfishly I am looking at a one more likely 2 level at L3-L5. 8 wish you success I your recovery and if you feel up to it would love Fo hear how it went when you feel up to it
50 y.o.
WW athlete- triathlete, runner, tennis
2008-0nset of pain..MRI-DDD L4-L5 annular tear. Pain labeled discogenic with radiation to unilateral hip, no radiculopathy
2009-facet inj, radiograph ablation, SI joint injections, cryoablation stubborn no relief
2010-retired d/t pain. more injections
2011-IDET of L3-L5. Pain unchanged, up 50 lbs!
2011-Lumbar ADR recommended by Ortho and 2 neuros. In appeals w/ins. May choose Europe for M6
Need to lose lbs
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Old 03-12-2013, 12:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Dingie View Post
I realize your are on the road to recovery now, congratulations! I a, curious how your decision making process went NAND how you are doing. Selfishly I am looking at a one more likely 2 level at L3-L5. 8 wish you success I your recovery and if you feel up to it would love Fo hear how it went when you feel up to it
What great read Kim.. Thank you for sharing your experience so extensively.
Multiple traumas to spine starting age 13.
1st American to have 6 ADR's in one surgery. C3-4 - C/7, & L5-S1 - L3-4.
Surgery w/ Dr. Clavel, 3/18/13, M6.
Before surgery: severe spinal stenosis C5/C6 (cord "flattened" per stateside doc), + for Hoffman's & Babinsky's.
At time of surgery: 5 yrs MAX before ending up in wheelchair.
Clavel found L5-S1 partially fused. Had to cut it apart to put in M6.
Please excuse brevity - SEVERE carpel tunnel.
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Old 03-12-2013, 06:48 AM
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TPatti TPatti is offline
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Thanks for sharing
*9/10: Unstable pelvis & SI joint, sore IT band. Chiro care, I would shift out hours to days after adjust
*12/10: PT & chiro
*4/11 to 11/11: 5 sessions prolo and 3 prolo w/ PRP
*12/28/11 ESI L L4/L5 - 1/13/12 ESI R L4/L5 - 1/24/12 L SI joint capsule - 3/8/12 TPI - 3/23/12 L L5/S1 - 4/11/12 ESI caudal - 5/23/12 TPI - 7/10/12 Facet inj L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1
*9/12/12: 30 - DRX9000
*12/21/12 schedule. for L4/L5 fusion-CANCELLED 1/7/13
*7/16/2013: 3 level M6(S1-L3) w/ Dr. Bierstedt
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