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Old 08-16-2010, 09:15 PM
bbeiss bbeiss is offline
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Default Considering ADR-need help

Hello- I'm new to this forum but needed some advice/support on making the decision to have an ADR.I am 44 and having low back pain with intermittent numbness and weakness of my legs. Have had pain for years but has become increasingly worst since a fall last Dec.Tried all conservative treatments without any relief and really don't like taking meds. Surgical consult recommended an ADr at L5-S1 vs. ALIF. Waiting to hear if I've been accepted in a clinical trial in NC for the ADR which would be great since I have Anthem BC and don't think I'll have much luck with reimbursement.

My big questions/ concern- especially after researching all this on the internet - is am I jumping into this too quickly. I can still function but am in pain all the time. I don't take much medicine yet. I am usually a very active person with 3 kids under 10 to keep up with and am finding that really hard to do. I have been told and seen that my disc is bad to the core with very decreased disc height so the disc is not going to get better. Do I be proactive and have the ADR before things get so bad that I can't function and I'm in better shape to recover or do I wait.

Any input would be appreciated. Its great to find a site where people have had the same experiences. Thanks.
Years of chronic low back pain
Fell Dec. 2009
Steroids, muscle relaxers, pain meds
MRI-damaged disc L5-S1
2 epidural injections without relief
Discogram L5-S1 positive May 2009
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Old 08-16-2010, 11:41 PM
rcbasketball rcbasketball is offline
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I read your post and wanted to mention within minutes of an appointment I had in Santa Monica Ca I was offered a chance to be in a clinical trial and receive an artificial disc. I am an ex athlete and 4 years down the road with disabling lower back pain 4 DDD L3-4 and L4-5. Anthem Blue Cross wont pay and I can get my hands on the money but am still unsure if I am ready to take the leap . If you have 3 younger children and you are getting worse it will probably get even worse over time . If you are a good candidate and are overall healthy you will probably do great with an ADR. I do think that back pain being worse than leg pain is an important factor in being a good candidate. The test study going on in Ca. was for the freedom disc. I am pretty sure you can find that trial. The control group gets the Pro Disc which is one of the two FDA approved discs and seemingly the more popular one amongst the top surgeons
Lifelong athlete with DDD L2-3 L3-4 L4-5
Hip Labral Surgery 11-2007 back got worse
MRI with contrast shows anular tears L3-4 L4-5
Discogram Concordant Pain L3-4 Discordant L4-5
Tried PT, Nureomuscular Therapy, ProLo, Accupuncture, Epidural, facet blocks, trigger point
Considering L3-4 L4-5 Dr. Wadkins advice
Seen 5 Surgeons in LA area
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Old 08-21-2010, 02:44 PM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Welcome to our community!

Hey Barb!

If you've not already seen this topic, pls review it carefully:

ADR Risks, Complications, Disqualifications

Also, the DVD was produced to help patients and their families better understand artificial disc replacement -- through the eyes of ADR patients who have been there:

Getting Back on Their Feet

These are some good ways to get your "feet wet" and your neurons engaged. We are here for you!

"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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adr, alif, insurance appeal, lumbar adr, lumbar artificial disc replacement

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