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Old 11-08-2005, 09:33 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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More 'Wow', less 'Ow' !!

Even if you've having a difficult day, having long-term pain doesn't necessarily have to stop us from feeling happy and having some 'wow' in our lives - and you may notice that the more 'wow' you have, the less 'ow' you feel !!

Psychologist of 'wellbeing' Dr Richard Stevens has distilled his philosophy for happiness and wellbeing into small and easy steps that we can ALL use - and that will be effective, even on those challenging days.

Below are his 'wow' points and, yes, you've probably heard it all before, but the trick is DOING them, not just reading the list!

If you choose just some of the ideas, and actually use them, it will help you to put the 'wow' factor into your life.

You will have less 'ow' because these activities encourage the release of those famous endorphins that we'd love to have more of - your body's natural pain relieving chemicals!

- Count your blessings at the end of each day
- Really talk to your partner or a close friend a good few times each week
- Grow a plant and keep it alive
- Cut TV viewing drastically
- Find and enjoy a hobby or interest
- Exercise according to your ability
- Phone a friend you have lost touch with
- Have a good laugh every day, even if it's at yourself
- Give yourself a treat
- Spread some kindness by doing a good turn

Plus, if you can, go on little outings and join in with a group activity, such as exercise, singing or dancing.

Now some of these may be difficult or even impossible for us, but you can see from the list how you could adapt his valuable ideas.

Apparently people using his system were still measurably happier and more content at the end of the year's study - no matter what their circumstances.

One that will have an immediate effect upon our lives is the first one:

Count your blessings at the end of each day!

Count them last thing at night, if you can and you will go to sleep with a calm and easy mind.

Anything and everything can be counted, from having sufficient food, to seeing a beautiful colours in the sky, to hearing some wonderful music on the radio. Keep counting your blessings going until you fall asleep!

TOOL KIT - If you liked this idea why not keep it in your Tool Kit notebook or folder of self-help pain relief methods. If you haven't started one yet, why not keep a special notebook or folder as your Tool Kit to remind you of techniques and skills for coping with pain. Your Tool Kit is especially useful when pain flares up. It will help prevent panic and fear and give you constructive ideas to focus upon.


"Blessed are we who can LAUGH at ourselves - for we shall never cease to be amused."

- - Author unknown


A gorilla walks into a pub, goes to up to the barman and says, `Beer`.
Nervously the barman serves the beer.
After half a dozen pints, the barman goes to where the gorilla is standing and says,
�Don`t see many of your type around`.
The gorilla replies,
`I'm not suprised at �5 a pint`.


Keep smiling!

I hope you find the above ideas useful. If you would like more information on any of the items above plus more ideas for pain relief, please go to the website below or contact me for details of my CDs, tapes and books which contains many more methods for relaxation, pain and stress relief.

Jan at PainSupport

You may print the above article for your own private use but if you wish to use all or part of it for any other reason, please ask first. Copyright belongs to Jan Sadler.

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� Jan Sadler November 2005
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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Old 11-08-2005, 09:10 PM
luvmysibe luvmysibe is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 556

Alastair, those are definitely words to live, laugh, and love by.
L5/SI Charite
7/18/05 Dr. Howard
"A smile is contagious, be a carrier ."
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