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Old 01-25-2007, 11:33 AM
Alastair Alastair is offline
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"This extract is taken from a newsletter written by Jan Sadler of PainSupport,
Pain and worry seem to go hand in hand. Worry is fine if it is used to bring an issue to your notice which then propels you into taking action, otherwise worry is a useless emotion which exhausts you and leaves you drained, powerless and unable to use your energies in a more positive direction.

When you're worried, your body chemicals become unbalanced and the production of endorphins (your body's pain relieving chemicals) is blocked, which, of course, increases your pain levels.

Here are some ideas for stopping worry in its tracks.

1. Write each worry down until you get to the heart of the problem. Big issues and deep-rooted anxieties may be hidden under a raft of smaller worries. Write down each worry, then write the first step you could take. Next make an action plan for dealing with each individual worry. For example, instead of worrying about a new symptom for many days or weeks, ask a professional for advice. You will then know how to deal with it and whether or not it needs any action to be taken.

2. Accept that worrying about the past is useless – whatever has happened is over and done with. You may wish you had handled a situation differently but you handled it in the best way you knew at the time. Although you cannot change the past, you can learn from it.

Accept that worrying about the future is useless too – no-one knows what will happen in the future - and it rarely turns out like you think it will!

3. Face your worries head on. Force yourself to deal with them like this: instead of thinking, "What if I can't walk to the shop?" write down "I can't walk to the shop" – this will kick start your creative processes and will help you to decide what to do in that situation. The worry then disappears.

4. Ask yourself, "Will this matter in five years’ time?" (Probably it won't even be relevant next week!)

5. Talk to people about your concerns and find ways to make some changes to make your life easier and more enjoyable.

6. Teach yourself to focus always on the positives in life.

7. And, of course, continue to seek out endorphin-filled situations - relaxation, visualisation, meditation, hobbies, exercise or any other relaxing and pleasure-giving activity.

Relaxation Tip

Take five minutes to massage gently the spot just above your nose in the centre of your forehead. Use your index finger lubricated with a little sesame or almond oil. This point is said to be the third eye in Ayurvedic medicine. It is extremely soothing – works well with your cat or dog too (omit the oil)!

Words of wisdom

"Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity"

- Quote from Joseph Sugarman

And Finally…

Speeding Ticket

"What am I supposed to do with this?" grumbled a motorist as the policeman handed him a speeding ticket.

"Keep it," the cop said, "when you collect four of them you get a bicycle."
- Author Unknown

Editor’s Note

I hope you find the above ideas useful. If you would like more information on any of the items above plus more ideas for pain relief, please go to the PainSUPPORT website, address below. You will also find details of my Downloads, CDs, tapes and books which contain many more methods for relaxation, pain and stress relief, confidence building and peaceful sleep. There is even a ‘Sitting Programme’ for those who find sitting a problem.

Keep smiling!

Jan at PainSupport
ADR Munich 26th July 2002 L5/S1. Aged 82 now
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Old 01-25-2007, 12:09 PM
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Terry Terry is offline
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Nicely said and done. In our 12 Step programs we recite the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and, Wisdom to know the difference.

The tips you listed are great for us worry warts. In effect:

1. Did my surgery work?
2. Gee. I hope I didn't mess something up.
3. Will this pain never end?
4. Nobody out there understands what I'm going through.
5. But I'm unique.
6. How long are these discs going to last?
7. Will I get cancer from the polyethylene discs?
8. Will I get cancer from the metal particulates floating around in my body?
9. God if you get me through this one I promise I will behave and take things easy.

Life is too serious to take seriously.

Terry Newton
1980 ruptured L4-L5
1988 ruptured SI-L5
1990 ruptured C5-C6
1994 ruptured C6-C7
1995 Hemi-Laminectomy C5-C6, C6-C7 Mayo Clinic
Bicycle Accident 2004
MRI, EMG, Facet Injections, Epidural Blocks, Lumbar Discogram.
Stenum Hospital Surgery November 4, 2006
Prestige Disc C5-C6, C6-C7
Maverick Disc S1-L5, L4-L5
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