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Old 05-30-2005, 07:19 PM
Jefferson Jefferson is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 42

Hello - I am a (6) six year - worn out veteran of this corrupted system that they call the LNI (Labor and Industries) Workers Compensation System. I worked for a solid 24 years of my life Prior to getting injured on the job and I was hit by an intoxicated driver going in excess of 110 mph. Let's just say there was no doubt that I was on the job...and that he was at fault.

After the first year off of work and after the major swelling of soft tissue (I felt like after every 2 - 6 weeks that passed...I would come up with a new injury and a new place to where I would feel liek I was beat with a baseball bat) They finally came up with an MRI that proved that I had a need for a discogram. I had never shown yet that I had swollen or disc buldges before, but in year #2 It (During the Discogram) showed an S1 L5 Disc Buldge....(The doctor that I had..had already been pinpoint injecting and proved that there were 'Foraminal' Nerve root problems and that was where the pain was coming from...) So, They decided to do an IDET Minimally Invasive, Sneak in and take out the bulge on S1-L5 procedure and when we are on LNI we have no choices on what they will do and when...

While they did this, I ASKED them specifically about all of these injections and if they were paying attention to the test results that they proved? The doctor there told me that "They take care of all of that in there" Basically telling me that it all was linked to the one surgery and I was shafted during this surgery...Let me complete this one for you:

When I was in there getting this S1/L5 IDET: It took them about an hour and a half longer than the rest of his surgeries, I know this because their office told me so. They told me, my son and the man that was my transportation that day...They admitted that the surgery did not go very well in there...
When we asked why it took longer they said "It took longer because something happened around the nerve root canal on the way into the disc ara" And that was all I ever heard about this IDET...

The next 8 Weeks were miserable. I felt like someone spilt HOT Bacon Grease down my left leg, all over it. When the office heard about that, they had me back in there shooting injection after injection trying to numb out and calm that nerve root back down. (I am hearing that they basically cooked the nerve in the operaion procedure?)

Anyhow...Here it is June 2005, The procedure was MAY 2003: What happened?

LNI sends their little investigators around the house and if I do anything around here, like empty a grocery cart, I am a fraud. They have closed my claim twice in 4 years and I cannot get anything done with my health.

I cannot get them to understand what I just explained in 5 minutes here.

I went and saw a doctor without LNI stuck to my name...I used my name but told them that My claim was closed and gave them my wife's insurance card. You should have heard what he told me. I heard things that would literally turn your stomach. It is illegal what they are doing.

I - in the meantime, am in bed awaiting for them to close my claim, again. I have no way to go to work because I am disabled. I cannot get up and do anything for more than about 2 hours a day. I am on meds and have been for 6 years. There just seems to be no end in site because of the "WAY" that they deal with patients....

It seems that if I was NOT an LNI patient and if I could get rid, SO FAR RID of that stigma, and get away from them...I might be able to get to good health again.

I have never ever had good therapy, never had decent pain psych counseling or therpay both, at the same time or separate, Because I am a fraud - you know? Am I the only on ethat they have done this to? Do they ruin the lives of other people too?

They caught me using an air compressor in my front yard because someone played a prank on my teenaged boy. They covered his car with Coca Cola and then poured Flour all over it. It had 75 pounds of flour all over it. He came in the house crying, it almost killed his heart and he came in to his father and needed some help. What was I to do? (So, I helped him by cleaning his car)

THAT DOES NOT MEAN that I am not injured...It means that I have a compassionate heart! It means that I laid in bed for about 6 days STRAIGHT what that means....

Is there anyone out there that knows what this fight is like?

I cannot even get medical attention because of these crooked people, these EVIL people that run these programs...My won attorney does not understand, because I am a fraud, Caught on tape doing 'physical' labor! Oh my goodness.

They give us medications to kill the pain, we lie in bed to relieve the pain and then get up...(I wonder how long the investigators have to hang around before catching someone outside?!)
I spend so many hours in bed...Is anyone else here with me? Does anyone feel like just giving up on LNI because they are so evil?
There is no battle like this one, I cannot even get health care because they win.
Discogram..S1/L5 disectomy,
3 Level Rizotomy
20 Injections, Foraminal Stenosis
Moderate to Severe, (L) 'They' say that I am @ the end of my road 'What's THAT Mean?? Who are THEY
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Old 05-31-2005, 09:27 AM
Rein Rein is offline
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It sounds like you've been through the wringer and you're still there! I feel for you. It really does sound like the system is shafting you. Right now, I'd advise that your first defense is education. Read as much as you can on this site about your condition to learn what is wrong with your body. Knowledge is power and the more you know about exactly what's going on with your injury/disease and what possible solutions you might find the better chance you stand of actually achieving a solution.

I think if I were in your shoes I'd be trying to find a lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice and governmental lawsuits, if for no other reason than to see if you have some legal avenue for redress. Here is just one link I stumbled upon recently:
03/09/26 - Ruptured L5-S1.

Years of pain, discectomy, research into anatomy, hardware, clinical trials, facilities, surgeons, techniques, insurance. Attempts at ProDisc, Activ-L trials. Now, low bone density. D'oh!!!

At 61 years, no longer qualifying for trials due to my age (chronological, not physical or mental).

2009 - Working on improving bone density or getting rich so I can go to Germany, where medicine and insurance have gone beyond the Stone Age.
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Old 05-31-2005, 11:19 AM
Jefferson Jefferson is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 42

Thank you Rein. Yes, it has been a long hard road. This is the hardest thing I will ever go through. It just seems backwards to have to deal with injustice all the while injured people cannot barely handle the day just as it is. My own attorney is falling for the Workers Compensation's games and it is too hard to handle at times. They hold the power to make or break our entire life. All because I went outside, how dare I try and live after I got injured...For anyone out there reading this, It does not mean that a person is physically fit and able..because they can do something while on their medications, It means that they are 'missing' life and finally went outside, out of bed and tried to do something that they should not have done (yes) but that they were tired, so tired, of being in bed and tried to do something because they were going nuts inside...And there are mean people that try and proclaim that we are healthy because we surfaced out of our death beds, and filmed us, and now call us insurance frauds, Wow. There is something really wrong with this system here. I have always seen those films of men and women laying carpet or building houses while on LNI payments, but outside taking groceries out of the grocery cart? How are we expected to get FOOD into our homes?!
Discogram..S1/L5 disectomy,
3 Level Rizotomy
20 Injections, Foraminal Stenosis
Moderate to Severe, (L) 'They' say that I am @ the end of my road 'What's THAT Mean?? Who are THEY
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Old 06-05-2005, 03:40 PM
sunhillow sunhillow is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 33

i feel your pain jefferson ...I know what your going though...i also got hurt at work 2 years ago and have been shut off of workmens comp 3 months after the injury..its a crazy system ...the whole thing is crazy...i also got a lawyer who did help somewhat but i will never get back what i lossed...between the state of mass rules and the workmen comps lawyers and so called dr.s ..we are up again a huge wall..
try and hang in there...
write me anytime..
2 years of lower back pain
L5-S1 tear and pain generataor
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Old 06-09-2005, 11:02 AM
Poncho Poncho is offline
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Posts: 422


I was a work comp victim myself. It was a horrible experience that nobody should have to go through. It is like they hit you when you are at your lowest point in life and unable to fight back. I knew they were sending people to watch me, but they couldn't get much because I was flat on my back in bed. They still tried to prematurely close my case multiple times.

I wish I could give you some helpful advice - but I can't. However, I can sympathize with what you are going through.
Poncho (aka Prodisc Poster Girl)
2 level ADR (Prodisc)
Dr. Bertagnoli May 22, 2004 Rudolfinerhaus Vienna, Austria.
Currently DRUG FREE and living life again!
Knowledge is Power!!!
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Old 06-09-2005, 01:10 PM
Jefferson Jefferson is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 42

Thx Poncho, Yes I knew that they were sending folks to come watch me and this has been 6 years and running: But over these 6 years I found that on the (2) Two occasions that they got those pics that on one o fthem I was forced to move my home because of a house fire: My insurance company, State Farm Renters Insurance moved me because of the damage and plus I had 5 brothers moving everything left over, They caught me moving wicker baskets, Can you beleive that, gee I was lifting wicker baskets and I am now able to go back to work 24/7, regular job, regular activity. The 2nd time they filmed me I was (And YES Pincho, I was and still AM in bed all of the time because I have no other way to releive the pain) But I came outside to clean a mess off of an emergency prank done to a car of ours outside, So, BOTH occasions are things unavoidable and I just cannot understand the evil crap that they play on us or how can the legal system 'allow' this to happen and how do the attorney's allow this to take part in the system and they not fight tooth and nail to not allow this to decay the system and my health? Thank you though, It does sound that there are plenty of great people here that do understand pain, problems and the things that make us the way that we are. I just want them to either be forced to do something with me or break free from me so that I can get a doc: This entire NWest area is rotten, the closer you get to the water the force is worsened and more crooked. I am absolutely serious, I had one doctor lay it to me on the serious sly and he was correct and if I can change name rank serial number and never ever have my self connected to LNI, all of a sudden my injury woul appear and the surgery would appear and my 6 years in bed would turn into 6 weeks. Frustrating, And because I am painfully depressed but happily (spiritually happy) they just do not get it, There was one pyschological eval that slammed me and said that there was NO way that (not possible even) I could be injurred to the extent that the docs and I explain because I was happy. I am in bed more than 6 - 8 hours a day to releive pain for goodness sakes!! What more can I do? They want us to kill ourselves the jerks. They don't stop until they own our houses, take our family's and take our silly lives, Well They cannot have it. Call me Billy because he I come
Discogram..S1/L5 disectomy,
3 Level Rizotomy
20 Injections, Foraminal Stenosis
Moderate to Severe, (L) 'They' say that I am @ the end of my road 'What's THAT Mean?? Who are THEY
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