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Old 06-20-2006, 08:36 AM
opstech opstech is offline
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I have found your site and i think it's great that so many people can offer advice, Please read my story from here.

I was 23 yr old and hurt my back whilst playing golf, this really hasn't gone and i'm 31 now. A first it was real sharp pain in my lower back and more on to my right side pelvic area, this would happen regular but i had all my reflexes i could touch my toes and continued to play golf, I would suffer big time after though. I visited my GP who sent me for an xray which showed wear and tear at l4/l5 - s1. he sent me away saying it's normal and nothing could be done just keep mobile. I tried and suppose at 23- 24 i was still fit and active. But as time went by and severel osteopathy treatments my osteopath sent me for an MRI scan, october 2001 which showed DDD at L3-S1 also that at l4/l5 I had a buldge and this was pinching my siatic nerve on the left side (no pain down my leg though). I went back to my doctor who referred me to a orthapedic consultant mr papastefanou at the James Cook university hospital, he diagnosed me with mechanical back pain and sent me for PT and an ESI shot into my lumber region this was Feb 2002.

The ESI did nothing and PT did help a little but the problem was still there, now i noticed that I was starting to become stiffer and less mobile, after 9 months I went to see my consultant again who sent me away for another 9 months. In this time pain was less but more constant and deep dull aching in lower lumber and signs of leg pain but big buttock pain on the left side, like a tennis ball inside it felt like, now at this period I was on the normal meds such as diclofenac and solpadine at regular intervals. The doctor also gave me amytrpiline for the spasms but these made me groggy, so only when really bad I take these.

At the next appointment I was sent for another xray and MRI scan to determine if my condition had got worse, which it hadn't which was cool but still pain and no flexibilty no I could just say touch my Knees through the muscle spasms and have little nodules in the lower of my back muscles. I was put on the waiting list for a discogramme which was carried out in 2004, l3/l4 wasn't the pain generator but l4/l5 they had to pull of the roof with the pain, the l5/s1 was so worn that they were unable to get in to inject.

The pain now in this period till present is same but I manage it more, If I don't do anything then I'm OK I can get by with the pain and no meds for days then all of sudden I do something that will feel like some on has turned the pain tap on! I don't like taking meds as all they do is send me to sleep and the pain is still there I just get high. eg kapake co proxamol.

Eventually in Nov 2005 my conssultant who I had heard of was a relucant surgeon to carry out surgery told me he was going to offer me surgery and the options were ADR and fusion, I opted ADR. Since then another MRI and xray has been done, then all of a sudden the date came for me to go into hospital May 06. I went in then my surgeon came along and told me that the theatre had no laminar air flow in there, so he didn't want to do the operation, through risk of infection. He told me why and I was pleased to know at least he's not taking chances etc with me. He did take me to his office and told me that he was going to use a prodisc at L4/L5 and maybe fuse L5/S1 or use a charite dics there he gave me reasons why can't remeber. I explained that I couldn't hardly bend now and basically stiff as a board, he said it was the muscle spasm casuing this through the buldge and DDD.

So after all this typing the question is has anyone had the same type of symptoms and after regained the flexiblity the had before the operation? or if not better?

Alos sorry for my spelling and grammar.

Thanks again

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Old 06-20-2006, 09:27 AM
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Harrison Harrison is offline
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Welcome, Anthony. You have come to the right place for sure! Please take the time to read through each of the forum descriptions. You may also want to manually sift through each of the forums -- there are thousands of posts from people like you!

Regarding your question, I had ADR in June 2004, and it will be my 2 year post op check next week. I have my pain-free, active life back in spades!

On this forum, you'll meet patients from all over the world -- some pre and many post ADR. Most people here have had ADR with Charite' and ProDisc, but others with Active L and still others with "stabilization systems."

If you can't find the answers you need, please email or PM and let me know. I hope we can give you the information you need to support your decision-making processes!

PS: Don't forget about the "main" site at
"Harrison" - info (at)
Fell on my ***winter 2003, Canceled fusion April 6 2004
Reborn June 25th, 2004, L5-S1 ADR Charite in Boston
Founder & moderator of ADRSupport - 2004
Founder Arthroplasty Patient Foundation a 501(c)(3) - 2006
Creator & producer, Why Am I Still Sick? - 2012
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Old 06-20-2006, 09:33 AM
tmont tmont is offline
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Posts: 442

Hi Anthony, and welcome---

I'm sure your thread will soon be flooded with replies by those who can relate to your pain level and experience, but if you want you can also check out the 'surgical outcomes' part of this Forum. People post on their surgeries and their recovery, and you'll likely find quite a few that interest you particularly.

The FAQ section is also a great place to start to find answers to any questions you may have, from disc types to tratment options to different treatment facilities...

Again, welcome and good luck!

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Old 06-21-2006, 10:34 AM
livjoyful livjoyful is offline
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Posts: 89

Welome. You are amoung friends here. I have a post under surgical outcomes, livjoyful is the name. I am almost 7 weeks post. I understand your pain. As most of us here do. I will add you to my prayer list with all my other wonderful new friends here.
Charite 111 L5 S1 May 4th 2006
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Old 06-21-2006, 08:09 PM
annapurna annapurna is online now
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I can't answer with absolute assurity on whether or not you'd regain your flexibility. In theory ADR will allow you regain most if you haven't damaged the facet joints (the 'spiney' protrusions on the back of vertebra) or some if you have some damage but not enough to rule out fusion. The one thing to remember is that if you do pursue ADR you'll be regaining all of the lost disk height in a single short operation. All of the attachments to your spine are going to hurt and be stiff at first and you'll need to ease into it. Flexibility might improve right away but will probably take a while before you know what you're going to get.
Laura - L5S1 Charitee
C5/6 and 6/7 Prodisc C
Facet problems L4-S1
General joint hypermobility

Jim - C4/5, C5/6, L4/5 disk bulges and facet damage, L4/5 disk tears, currently using regenerative medicine to address

"There are many Annapurnas in the lives of men" Maurice Herzog
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Old 06-22-2006, 03:51 PM
opstech opstech is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 4

Thanks for your comments everyone, I'm having a pretty couple of bad days lately the sick feeling with it, to be truthfull i suppose i could live with out the flexibility but not with this pain, the only way i get comfy is by slouching i know everything they tell you not to do.


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Old 06-22-2006, 06:29 PM
annapurna annapurna is online now
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Pain relief is more of a crapshoot than even flexibility. No one promises much and most will depend on how much of your pain is coming from your disk, which would be removed, vs all of the other structures around the disk, which would remain.
Laura - L5S1 Charitee
C5/6 and 6/7 Prodisc C
Facet problems L4-S1
General joint hypermobility

Jim - C4/5, C5/6, L4/5 disk bulges and facet damage, L4/5 disk tears, currently using regenerative medicine to address

"There are many Annapurnas in the lives of men" Maurice Herzog
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