Many patients who visit our site have spinal health problems but cannot always find a path to wellness. For those patients who have tried to get answers through our other services but still need answers, an experienced patient may be able to help you….at no charge! Here are just a few examples of how the global discussion board can help you:
– Educate you on surgical (or non-surgical) options for your spinal problem, e.g. artificial disc replacement, fusion, instrumentation or even next-generation technologies;
– Discuss the qualifications and disqualifications for artificial disc replacement, as well as the “good, the bad, and the ugly…”
– Support your decision-making to lead you to the best possible medical treatment, whether it be in the U.S. or Europe;
– Help you prepare for surgery as well as postoperative care.
Please note: The owners of this web site have no financial or business relationship with any consultants. Never have….never will!